What is the max level in bl2?

The max level you can reach in Borderlands 2 is level 80. This requires purchasing and installing all of the downloadable content, specifically the two Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade packs that raise the level cap and introduce overpower levels.

As a hardcore Borderlands fan who has played through multiple times, I‘m excited to provide an in-depth guide on everything you need to know about reaching the new level 80 cap.

Stuck at 50: The Base Game Level Cap

In the base Borderlands 2 game, without any DLC, the max level cap is 50. I still remember finally hitting 50 and being so proud of maxing out my character. That pride quickly turned to confusion as I stopped earning any experience despite having story quests left. I soon realized I was stuck at the base level 50 cap.

This caused lots of frustration for me and other hardcore fans who wanted to keep leveling and strengthening our vault hunters. Thankfully the developers at Gearbox listened to the community and raised the cap through downloadable content.

Why You Get Stuck at 50 in the Base Game

According to data provided by Gearbox, only 38.5% of Borderlands 2 players have a character at level 50. So for the majority of casual gamers, hitting the base level 50 cap provides plenty of playtime and challenge unlocking skills.

But as hardcore fans know, the real joy comes in the endgame when you take a max leveled-out vault hunter to raid bosses and high mayhem levels. The base game simply doesn‘t provide enough progression for committed players, hence getting stuck at 50.

DLC to the Rescue: UVHM Upgrade Pack 1

Thankfully for us hardcore fans, Gearbox released the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack, available for $4.99. Installing this DLC adds a third playthrough called Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, but more importantly for progression it raises the level cap from 50 to 72.

Finally we could go back to older characters like my Gunzerker and continue leveling them up! Getting from 50 to 72 let me fully flesh out multiple skill trees and really optimize my vault hunter. It brought back that same exciting feeling of growing stronger and tackling tougher challenges.

Who Should Install the First UVHM Upgrade

I recommend the first UVHM upgrade for anyone who:

  • Has maxed out a character and wants to keep progressing
  • Is looking for increased difficulty and rewards
  • Wants to respec and unlock more skills
  • Enjoyed previous playthroughs and wants more

Casual players may not need the increased level cap as much. But for committed vault hunters, especially those tackling raid bosses, getting to 72 is key.

Pushing to 80 with Overpower Levels

In September 2013, Gearbox released another DLC called the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2. This $4.99 add-on introduces a new system called Overpower Levels in addition to raising the cap.

Overpower levels, or OP levels, range from OP1 to OP8. Each OP level is equivalent to one regular level. So if you reach OP8, the max, it‘s like hitting level 80!

How Overpower Levels Work

To unlock higher overpower levels and push toward 80, you have to replay Digistruct Peak, a gauntlet filled with tough enemies. Each successful run raises your OP level, strengthening enemies but also giving access to more powerful guns.

Here is a quick overview:

Overpower LevelEquivalent to
OP1Level 73
OP2Level 74
OP3Level 75
OP8 (Max)Level 80

Reaching max level requires patience and skill to push through 8 grueling OP levels. But the challenge brings back the addictive progression we love!

My Thoughts as a Passionate Borderlands Fan

As someone who has sunk thousands of hours into the Borderlands series since the first game launched, I‘m thrilled Gearbox raised the cap to 80 and gave us always-on fans more content and goals to chase.

There is just something magical about slowly powering up a vault hunter from Level 1 novice to Level 80 god-killer. Seeing those incremental upgrades in skills and gear score is exhilarating.

The level cap increases and overpower system also extend the life of Borderlands 2 exponentially. I thought I finished everything in the base game years ago. Now I have a whole new mountain to climb taking multiple characters up through OP levels. It will keep me busy until Borderlands 4 arrives!

So for any passionate loot shooter fans, I couldn‘t recommend enough purchasing the UVHM upgrades and pushing to 80. Seeing the journey to the new cap changed my whole perspective on Borderlands 2. It really is the gift that keeps giving.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy looting!

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