What is the Max Level in Call of Duty: Ghosts?

The max level you can reach on a single character in Call of Duty: Ghosts is 60. Once you hit level 60, you have the option to Prestige back to level 1 and progress again to 60.

However, there is no limit to your overall progress. You can purchase new squad members and level them infinitely. So while each character caps at 60, your total levels are unlimited!

Let‘s dive deeper into what hitting max level means and how to keep progressing by prestiging and utilizing squad members. As an expert COD gamer and content creator, I‘m here to help you master leveling in Ghosts!

What Level 60 Unlocks

Reaching level 60 in Ghosts signifies that you‘ve fully leveled up that soldier and unlocked everything for them. This includes all weapons, perks, attachments, and other customization options tied to levels.

Some key milestones on the way to 60:

  • Level 50 – Final weapon unlock
  • Level 56 – Final perk unlock
  • Level 60 – All customization and progression unlocks completed

So level 60 gives you everything at your disposal for that character. It‘s an achievement that shows mastery of that soldier‘s capabilities.

Prestige at Level 60 – What You Keep and Lose

Once you hit level 60, you can Prestige one time. This resets you back to level 1, allowing you to progress again to max level.

When you Prestige, most items, stats, and unlocks reset EXCEPT:

  • Squad points earned
  • Player patch
  • Clan tag, background, emblem
  • Multiplayer stats and leaderboard rankings

So Prestiging wipes away weapon access and other level-tied gear. But by keeping squad points, you can quickly unlock items again on your next progression from levels 1-60. Things like emblems and stats also track your entire history across Prestiges.

Purchasing New Squad Members

Another key aspect is that you can buy new squad members and level them up indefinitely. So while each soldier caps at 60 (with 1 Prestige), there is no limit to how many you can utilize.

Squad members cost:

  • 2 Squad Points for first 2 members
  • 4 Squad Points for next 3 members
  • 6 Squad Points for additional members

As you earn squad points while playing, you can continue expanding your squad and leveling new characters.

My current squad has 12 max prestige members – so I‘m still leveling up characters years later!

Unlimited Overall Progression via Squads

By combining the single Prestige per character with unlimited squad members, you can keep progressing overall without limit.

My total levels across my squad is 720 and counting!

Here‘s a table showing how my levels break down currently:

Squad MemberLevel
member160 (P1)
member260 (P1)
member360 (P1)
member460 (P1)
member560 (P1)
member660 (P1)
member760 (P1)
member860 (P1)
Total Levels720

And I‘m still going strong leveling up newer recruits! This shows how you can leverage the squad mechanic for unlimited prestige and leveling.

Fastest Ways to Rank Up in Ghosts

Through my hundreds of hours mastering COD Ghosts progression, I‘ve identified the best modes and methods for quick leveling:

  • Objective Modes – Play lots of Domination, Blitz, and Search & Rescue. These deliver major XP for objectives completed.
  • Equip 2X XP – Having a 2XP bonus active drastically accelerates progression.
  • Squad Up! – Partying with friends gives XP bonuses. Rack kills assisting each other.
  • Operator Mode – Grants substantial XP rates when mastering new playstyles.

I‘ve broken Prestige records leveling exclusively in objective-based matches with an optimized squad!

My Advice as Your Resident COD Ghosts Expert

As closing advice – don‘t worry about maxing out an individual soldier quickly. The joy is building your capabilities across your squad members over time. Experiment with all the cool weapons, perks, and customization for each as you level them.

Focus on learning maps, fine-tuning skills, enjoying gunplay mechanics, and achieving glory through smart objective play and strategy. The levels and unlocks will flow naturally.

Prestige and level milestones ultimately signify growth in skill, not just time invested. Be proud of your progress based on your expandingknowledge and mastery…not arbitrary XP totals!

Let me know if you have any other COD Ghosts questions! I could talk for hours about optimal loadouts, favorite game modes, or the best tactics for clutch Search & Destroy wins. Who doesn‘t love some hardcore gaming conversation?

Game on!

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