What is the Max Level in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

The max achievable level in Divinity: Original Sin 2 is level 23. This requires an enormous amount of effort and dedication to reach, surpassing the "soft cap" of level 20 that most players will hit from regular questing. But for those seeking to truly master DOS2‘s complex systems and max out their potential, it‘s an exciting challenge.

How Does Leveling Work in Divinity: Original Sin 2?

DOS2 uses a flexible leveling system without a fixed cap. You gain XP from activities like:

  • Completing quests
  • Killing enemies
  • Discovering new areas
  • Using skills successfully

The amount of XP needed to reach the next level increases progressively as you advance. This is what creates the soft cap at level 20 – where XP costs spike enormously compared to earlier levels.

But with enough enemies defeated, maps uncovered, quests finished, and careful optimization of your build…you can break through.

What‘s Considered a "Normal" Max Level?

Most players finish their first playthrough around level 16-18. This requires completing a moderate amount of side content in addition to the main story quests.

Dedicated players who do all side quests and full map exploration generally reach level 21-22. This involves significant effort but is very achievable.

Level 23 is where things get truly insane. The XP needed is magnitudes higher than a normal playstyle provides. It demands extensive grinding and severe optimization across a complete playthrough.

To put the numbers in perspective:

LevelTotal XP Needed

As you can see, the XP difference between level 22 and 23 is an entire typical playthrough‘s worth!

What Does It Take to Reach Level 23?

Based on reports from dedicated players, here is a general blueprint:

  • Play on Explorer Mode – Boosts XP gains by 30% compared to other modes
  • Take every possible fight – Kill every non-essential NPC and clear every discoverable area
  • Maximize bonuses – Composition and gear that enhances XP and damage
  • Complete all quests/exploration – Leave no stone unturned across Acts 1-4
  • Refine strategies – Optimize skill usage, positioning, action economy

This will require 70+ hours minimum for most players, though experts have done it as quickly as 63 hours.

You‘ll also need to meticulously plan character builds, gear choices, fight tactics, and move order to maximize efficiency. No fight can be wasted.

Why Strive For Such High Levels?

Here are some of the benefits to reaching level 22-23:

  • Superior Stats – More attribute and ability points to customize your build
  • Better Gear – Access to high-level equipment with incredible bonuses
  • Easier Fights – You‘ll bulldoze through enemies like a god
  • Sense of Pride – Ultimate bragging rights for mastering complex systems

However, the sheer effort and planning required means this playstyle is really only for the most dedicated fans seeking an extreme challenge.

For players focused on story and questing, stopping at level 20 is perfectly viable to finish the game. The extra few levels are mostly about self-imposed difficulty and mastering obscure game mechanics.

Final Tips on Reaching Level 23

  • Stack as many XP bonuses as possible – equipment, skills, origin traits, etc
  • Use "Lone Wolf" on both characters for double XP gains
  • Save often and reload if a fight goes poorly – no wasted battles
  • Consult leveling guides on optimal order/choices
  • Embrace the grind and know it will take real persistence

Reaching max level requires intense dedication, but offers a tremendous feeling of expertise and mastery over Divinity: Original Sin 2‘s extensive RPG systems. Good luck, pioneers!

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