What is the max level in Horizon Forbidden West New Game Plus?

As an avid Horizon fan with over 100 hours across both titles, I‘m constantly exploring ways to get more out of Aloy‘s post-apocalyptic world. So when Guerilla Games introduced New Game Plus (NG+) and ghost levels in Horizon Forbidden West, I dove straight in to max things out again.

What is the Max Level Cap in Horizon Forbidden West NG+?

Right off the bat, I can definitively state that the max level you can reach in Horizon Forbidden West‘s New Game Plus mode is 110.

To break things down:

  • The regular level cap is 50 in a normal playthrough.
  • In NG+, Aloy can progress past 50 and earn XP towards "ghost levels", up to 110.
  • So you can technically hit level 110 in a NG+ playthrough.

However, there is a catch: only the first 50 levels actually impact Aloy‘s stats and unlocks. The 60+ ghost levels are essentially just tracking excess XP gains without conferring bonuses.

So in terms of power, the max effective level remains 50. Ghost levels simply show how much extra XP you‘ve earned after hitting the standard cap.

Let‘s take a closer look:

Horizon Forbidden West Level Caps Compared

Game ModeMax Level CapImpact on Aloy
Normal Playthrough50Increases stats and unlocks skills
New Game Plus110Only first 50 levels boost Aloy‘s power

So in NG+, the meaningful level cap remains 50, even though you can technically progress higher.

Why Pursue Ghost Levels and NG+?

At first glance, this system seems a bit underwhelming. Why grind over 60 more meaningless levels?

Well, there are a few compelling reasons:

It‘s About the Journey, Not the Destination

While ghost levels themselves don‘t directly strengthen Aloy, everything you do to earn that excess XP still brings value:

  • Taking on challenges to gain XP encourages you to engage deeply with activities you may have breezed past initially.
  • You‘ll refine combat tactics, haunted machine takedowns, hunting ground trials, etc.
  • Exploring to discover XP sources pushes you to uncover additional secrets.

So all that added effort makes you a more skilled player, even if Aloy‘s power remains capped. Plus, it extends your enjoyment of an incredible open world.

New Game+ Perks Make Replaying More Appealing

NG+ isn‘t just about chaseable ghost levels either. It also introduces:

  • carry over unlocked skills, gear, collectibles into a new playthrough
  • New, more powerful weapon coils only found in NG+ as loot
  • Increased difficulty settings to take on greater challenges

You‘re essentially getting a more richly customized, harder hitting Aloy to take on deadlier machines.

These heightened stakes make revisiting the world – and chasing thresholds like max level – more exciting. It‘s a chance to re-experience the adventure with an enhanced skillset while gunning for new milestones.

Future Updates Could Expand NG+ Further

We also can‘t rule out Guerilla building upon NG+ in future DLC. Concepts like Prestige levels in Call of Duty build upon New Game Plus foundations.

Horizon Forbidden West‘s first year roadmap already includes new game modes and expansions. So potential exists for enhancements like prestige caps with tangible impacts or adding levels beyond 110 down the road as well.

Pursuing max ghost levels now future-proofs your Aloy to benefit from possible NG+ expansions ahead.

Level 110 Gameplay Impact and Wrap Up

At the end of the day, only the first 50 levels meaningfully boost Aloy‘s Strength, Valor, Health etc. in NG+. So pursue ghost levels for the journey rather than expectations of more power.

But the heightened challenges and richer progression possibilities absolutely make grinding to 110 satisfying for me as both a completionist gamer and Forbidden West super fan.

With the tips above, hopefully this gives you enough insight to decide whether maxing our ghost levels is right for your playstyle or not when weighing Horizon‘s NG+ mode! Let me know in the comments if this helps you strategize conquering New Game Plus.

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