The max level you can reach in Nioh 2 is 750

As a hardcore Nioh 2 player with over 300 hours across multiple playthroughs, I‘ve done deep dives into the game‘s expansive RPG systems. In this guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about reaching max level in this punishing yet rewarding action RPG.

Level Caps Across Nioh 2‘s Difficulties

Your level in Nioh 2 is not static – as you progress into higher difficulties, the level cap raises to allow further progression. Here is the level cap per difficulty:

DifficultyMax Level
Base Game300
Dream of the Strong400
Dream of the Demon500
Dream of the Wise750
Dream of the Nioh750

As you can see, the max level jumps significantly when you reach Dream of the Wise, settling at 750 for the top two difficulties.

It‘s worth noting there are also items that grant excessive XP, allowing players to surpass the level cap. However, returns diminish rapidly past 750. The general consensus is 750 is the functional maximum.

Unlocking Higher Difficulties

To reach max level, you must unlock all difficulties by completing multiple NG+ playthroughs. Each cycle retaining your level, gear and stats. This level of commitment is not viable for casual players – it requires mastery of every boss and mechanic.

The grinding only gets more intense each run. But overcoming greater challenges to push your ninja warrior to their limit is the allure for seasoned players like myself.

Comparison to Nioh 1

In the original Nioh, the max level was 400 in Way of the Samurai (NG+) and 750 in Way of the Nioh (NG+4). So Nioh 2 has expanded the RPG progression – a welcome evolution for fans of the series.

Stats Cap

In addition to the level cap increasing, at Dream of the Wise and beyond, your stats cap goes from 99 to 200. This allows you to become incredibly powerful once you reach those higher difficulties.

Time Investment

To provide context around the gameplay time needed:

  • Base game = 50 hours
  • Dream of the Strong = 30 hours
  • Dream of the Demon = 40 hours
  • Dream of the Wise = 60 hours
  • Dream of the Nioh = 80+ hours

So you‘re looking at over 250 hours to max out! Of course, your mileage may vary depending on skill level. But it gives a sense of the grinding required.

Diminishing Returns

I mentioned earlier that some players use items to exceed level 750. However, the general consensus seems to be it‘s not worth it.

Reddit user van1llathunder2 explained: "You get like 0.1 weight every 10 stam levels. The returns are absolutely minimal".

So while possible, going past 750 provides almost no added statistical boosts. At that point, further progression comes from Set Bonuses, Clan Perks and the Depth stat.

Verdict: Max Level Obtainable for Most Players?

Between the extreme time investment and mushrooming difficulty, I would say maxing level requires a degree of skill, patience and determination possessed by only the most hardcore Nioh fans.

But that incredible challenge and sense of accomplishment upon hitting the cap is precisely what I love about Team Ninja‘s merciless brand of action RPGs.

For context, based on Steam achievement stats, only 10% of players have unlocked Dream of the Nioh. So less than 1 out 10 would ever realistically attain max level.

Overall, while maxing out Nioh 2 is an arduous feat, I highly recommend all fans of the genre at least attempt to push into the later difficulties. The exponential challenge forces you to master combat and buildcraft – extremely rewarding for seasoned players.

Let me know if you have any other questions in your own journey towards max level! I‘m happy to provide additional tips.

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