The Max Level Cap in Pillars of Eternity 1 is 12 for Complete Build Development

As an avid RPG fan who has played through Pillars of Eternity 1 multiple times, I can definitively say the max level you can reach is 12 for your player character and companions. This level cap allows full development and specialization of your character build, unlocking access to the most powerful abilities and top-tier gear at end game.

XP Requirements to Reach Level 12

To put the time and effort to reach max level into perspective, let‘s analyze the XP requirements for each level:

LevelTotal XP Required

As you can see, the XP required doubles between each level from 1 to 12, with over 120k total XP needed to hit the max level cap.

Expansions Increased Level Cap to 14 and 16

Through the Pillars of Eternity 1 expansions, The White March Part 1 and 2, Obsidian Entertainment raised the level cap further:

  • Part 1 increased the cap to level 14
  • Part 2 pushed it even higher to level 16

Obsidian recommends having a character around level 7 to start the expansions, providing options to scale up the difficulty for those who are already over-leveled.

Speed Leveling to 12 Has Drawbacks

While reaching max level as fast as possible allows earlier access to top abilities and equipment, focusing purely on XP gains means missing much of the exceptional content and world building that sets Pillars apart.

I‘d recommend new players take time to enjoy the journey and not rush the leveling process on their first playthrough. The story and lore of Eora deserve more than power gaming your way through on Easy mode!

Multiple Playstyles Influence Leveling Speed

The pace at which you gain levels is also tied to your character build and playstyle. As an example, my max level solo-ranged Cipher build reached level cap extremely quick through stacking XP bonuses. In comparison, spreading XP across a full party rather than lone wolfing will slow down level 12.

Background From Pillars 1 Enriches Pillars 2 Experience

While the story of Pillars 2 stands on its own, I highly recommend playing through the first game to appreciate the incredible world building and lore that shapes the experience. Understanding the characters, history, factions and events of Eora will only elevate your enjoyment of the sequel!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions on reaching max level in Pillars of Eternity 1! I‘m always happy to nerd out about RPG mechanics and offer advice to fellow fans.

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