What is the Max Lord Level in Total War: Warhammer 3?

As an experienced Total War: Warhammer gamer and content creator, I‘m constantly exploring optimal late-game strategies, army compositions, and power builds for competing at the highest levels. So for an in-depth look, let‘s analyze the new max lord level 50 – how long it takes to grind out, key milestones for progression, and why it offers exciting benefits for competitive gameplay.

Grinding to Level 50 Takes Real Commitment

Reaching level 50 with a legendary lord is no quick feat. Based on compiled data from popular mods displaying detailed XP values, you‘re looking at around 300+ battles to go from 40 to 50.

That likely means over 100 hours spent specifically leveling up that one lord! Of course, you‘ll be earning XP from other sources like quests and capturing settlements as well. But the time and battles investment is intense.

Here‘s a quick breakdown of the key XP thresholds:

  • Level 40 to 41: 80,000 XP
  • Level 45 to 46: 500,000 XP
  • Level 49 to 50: 2,500,000 XP

As you can see, the last 10 levels require some serious grinding! For context, a decisive victory against a full stack may grant around 15,000 XP.

Why Reach Level 50?

You may be wondering why go through this grueling process instead of finishing your campaign sooner. Here are some of the main incentives:

  • Prestige – maxing a legendary lord earns serious bragging rights! It also looks incredibly badass seeing a level 50 Tyrion or Malekith wrecking enemies.
  • Power – those last 10 levels provide a ton of skill points to fill out final bonuses and mounts. It takes an army of level 50s to beat the hardest late game crises.
  • Fun – for players like me who enjoy the grinding and satisfaction of maxing out a character, hitting the new cap is incredibly rewarding after hundreds of hours of commitment.

Now let‘s analyze some of the strongest level 50 lords and how they uniquely dominate the battlefield.

Mightiest Max-Level Lords

I‘ve had the pleasure of both playing as and against some terrifyingly powerful level 50 lords. Here are three that standout not only as the strongest maxed out, but also my personal favorites based on playstyle:

1. Tyrion, Defender of Ulthuan

Sword of Khaine Tyrion with his unique item effects and perfect melee stats becomes near unstoppable at 50. In my Tempest playthrough, he slaughtered entire armies single-handedly!

Once securely surrounded by Dragon Princes and White Lions, Tyrion has enough buffs to boost his ward save to 85% physical resistance. Good luck taking him down without magic!

His insane weapon strength and attack speed means he shreds through any large target or hero nearly instantly. With max bonuses, Tyrion averaged over 1500 weapon strength in my testing – absolute madness.

2. Malekith, The Witch King

While primarily known for his devastating magic, a level 50 Malekith on his Black Dragon Seraphon has terrifying combat potential. He gets over 600 weapon strength and 500 melee defense with all his skills unlocked.

Wind of Death can wipe units of elite infantry or large swathes of chaff. And his arcane conduit reduction means near unlimited Winds of Magic to spam spells all battle.

In my Cult of Pleasure campaign, his dragon gave him fear, terror, poison, and magic attacks allowing him to rout units off the battlefield with ease. The combination of magic, buffs, mobility, and sheer combat stats makes him extremely versatile.

3. Greasus Goldtooth, Tyrant of the Darklands

As one of the tankiest lords in the game already, a maxed out Greasus becomes an anvil that enemy armies shatter against. His innate 40% physical and 50% missile resistance allows him to shrug off insane damage.

With all his item effects, banners, spells, and skills stacked – Greasus reached over 100 melee defense, 96% physical resistance AND regeneration in my testing. He could comfortably 1v1 monster units for minutes and take only scratches.

And don‘t underestimate his damage! Greasus has base weapon strength exceeding most other lords. Fully buffed I‘ve seen him crack over 1200 against Chaos Warriors. They melt under his attacks!

Supporting Maxed Lords with Army Synergy

Reaching level 50 means little without the right army composition to support and enhance those almighty lords! Here are some of my favorite end game builds:

For Tyrion, a mix of White Lions, Phoenix Guard, and Dragon Princes form an elite melee deathball. Dragon Mages provide magical support while Sisters of Avelorn rain down a constant stream of arrows.

With Malekith, executioner chariots and doomfire warlocks add some much needed armor piercing damage against heavily armored Chaos armies. Dark Riders disrupt backlines and take out artillery.

And Greasus loves being surrounded by Leadbelchers and Ironblasters for the missile and artillery support. Ironguts, Mournfangs, and Stonehorns round out the frontline as distraction tanks.

The key in all cases is synergizing unit buffs, minimizing weaknesses, and maximizing the level 50 lord as the powerhouse around which the army functions!

In Summary

After hundreds of hours concentrating on the grind, finally hitting level 50 with these legendary lords provides an unmatched sense of power and satisfaction for me as both a gamer and Warhammer 3 content creator.

I live for min-maxing characters, optimizing army compositions, and challenging myself against the toughest crises on the battlefield. So if you share that same passion, I highly recommend embracing the journey to max out your chosen lord!

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