What is the max party size in Destiny 2?

The max fireteam you can play with in Destiny 2 depends on the activity:

Story Missions, Strikes, Patrol Zones, Black Armory Forges: 3 Players
Raids, Menagerie: 6 Players
Reckoning: 4 Players

So for most PvE content like running strike playlists or free roaming, you can play with up to 2 friends. But when it comes to Destiny 2‘s pinnacle endgame activities like raids and the Menagerie, you get to experience them with a full 6 guardian fireteam!

Comparing Destiny 2‘s Party Sizes to Other Games

Many popular online multiplayer games top out at a 4 or 5 player party size for their cooperative PvE content. For example:

GameMax PvE Party Size
World of Warcraft5 Players
Final Fantasy XIV4 Players
Borderlands4 Players

So Destiny 2 stands out for having 6 player raids and Menagerie encounters. This gives its endgame content a vibrant social atmosphere other MMOs can‘t match when playing with your group of real life friends. I have fond memories of tackling intricate raid challenges into the late hours of the night with 5 longtime comrades.

The Evolution of Fireteam Sizes in Destiny

In the original Destiny, all raids and modes supported 6 players except for Trials of Osiris PvP which was strictly 3v3. But when Destiny 2 first launched, activities across the board had reduced party sizes:

ActivityDestiny 1Destiny 2 Launch
Raids/Menagerie6 Players6 Players
Nightfalls3 Players3 Players

Over time, Bungie has worked to increase opportunities for players to group up:

  • Crucible changed from 4v4 back to 6v6
  • New 4 player activity modes like Gambit and Reckoning introduced

I predict this trend will continue with future expansions potentially allowing >6 players for select raid activities. There is a growing desire from much of the playerbase to be able to raid with more friends from their Clan circles instead of cherrypicking smaller teams. And we‘ve already seen evidence 12 player raids work through tricky workarounds stacking multiple fireteam instances!

So in summary, Destiny 2 continues to be at the forefront of social online gaming – assembling 6 guardian crews is infinitely more rewarding than just playing solo all the time. To me, the ability to strategize and celebrate victories with my longtime teammates keeps me coming back. That‘s why I‘ll always bleed purple and proudly sport my clan banners!

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