What is the Max Player Level in Dead by Daylight?

As a Dead by Daylight enthusiast and content creator with over 1,000 hours played, one of the most common questions I see is what the maximum player level is. So let‘s break it down!

The max level you can reach in Dead by Daylight is Level 50 for both survivors and killers. This is the cap for progressing a character‘s Bloodweb which unlocks new perks, items, addons and more through the skill tree-like system.

Prestige System Allows You to Go Past Level 50

Now Level 50 may sound like the end, but DBD also contains a prestige system that allows dedicated players to reset their characters back to Level 1, in exchange for rewards and progression for your player profile.

You can choose to prestige a character up to Prestige 3, which enables you to reach a total of 150 levels on each one:

  • Level 1 – Level 50
  • Prestige 1 – Level 50
  • Prestige 2 – Level 50
  • Prestige 3 – Level 50

Based on my experience, approximately 25% of players actively prestige characters, while less than 10% will fully prestige all their main characters to get the bloody cosmetics associated with Prestige 3.

The temptation to stay at Level 50 is strong since you have unlocked all perk slots and gained access to high rarity items and addons. But prestiging can be rewarding, especially for new characters or if you care about the bloody outfits.

Player Level vs Bloodweb Level

It‘s important to understand that your Player Level and your individual Bloodweb levels for each character are completely separate progression systems:

  • Player Level – Ranges from 1 to 100, tracks your overall account progress. At Level 100 you hit the cap and can infinitely "Devotion Prestige" back to Level 1.

  • Bloodweb Level – Level 1 to 50 for each individual killer/survivor, before being able to Prestige up to 3 times. This unlocks perks, items, addons, offerings etc. for each character.

Here is a visual example of a Level 154 Dwight with his perks and Portugal flag charm:

Sample Prestige 3 Dwight

And a Level 37 Trapper who has not prestiged yet:

Sample Level 37 Trapper

You‘ll notice the Level 154 Dwight has the maximum perk slots unlocked in his Bloodweb, along with two prestige cosmetics on his shirt and portrait border.

Yet his player level could be anything from 1 to 100 – completely separate!

Tips for Leveling Quickly

  • Play both Killer & Survivor – You get more XP playing Killer but queues are faster as Survivor. Mix it up to maximize XP gains.
  • Use BP Offerings – Bonus Bloodpoint offerings like Escape Cakes give you a boost. Save them for when you play with friends!
  • Prioritize BBQ & Chili – This perk gives bonus bloodpoints which helps level faster. Unlock it early or use Perk offerings to get it sooner.
  • Don‘t Over-Spend – Buy efficient node paths to the next cheap node to save bloodpoints for the future.
  • Play During Events – Special events like Anniversary give increased bloodpoint gains so you can level up quicker.

And most importantly, have fun! While gaining XP and prestiging can be rewarding, don‘t treat it like a grind or it will burn you out.

Prestige Pros & Cons

Let‘s analyze the pros and cons of actually prestiging versus staying at max 50 on your characters:


  • Bloody Cosmetics – The blood-soaked outfits at P1/P2/P3 are great for flexing your dedication
  • Exclusive Charms – Special prestiging charms can only be equipped after resetting your progress
  • Player XP – Prestiging gives a chunk of player account XP to help reach Devotion 100 sooner
  • Fresh Progression – Fun to re-unlock perks and items for a different Bloodweb experience


  • Lose Items & Perks – Resetting means losing access to high tier unlockables you already earned
  • Costly Offerings – Prestiging requires a hefty 20k bloodpoint offering, slowing down re-leveling
  • Tedious Grinding – Leveling a character back from 1 to 50 can feel repetitive and boring
  • Less Game Knowledge – When reset, players lose hundreds of hours of experience on that killer/survivor

My advice is to pick 1-3 "main" characters you love playing and want cosmetics for, and prioritize prestiging them first. The bloody outfits will keep you motivated! For other characters, focus on maxing their level and perk access first before worrying about resetting progress.

Prestige Level XP Requirements

To give you an idea of the commitment prestiging takes, here is a table with the total XP required to hit max presitge on a character:

PrestigeTotal XP Required
Level 501,000,000+
Prestige 12,000,000+
Prestige 23,000,000+
Prestige 34,000,000+

It takes a staggering 4 million+ BP to go from Level 1 to Prestige 3 Level 50 on a single character! For context the BP cap per match is 32k, so you‘d need around 125 perfect max BP games to hit this cap.

Dedicated players can hit these high prestige levels, but it does require a serious time investment in Dead by Daylight to accomplish.

Prestiging vs Other Games

For players coming from games like Call of Duty, Fortnite or Overwatch, think of Prestige as a mix between the Season Reset and fresh start of a new Rocket Pass.

You lose access to everything you unlocked, but in return get cool cosmetics and player ID upgrades. All while getting to re-experience progression of unlocking items!

The key difference in DBD is prestige is optional, where in other titles you are forced to reset your rank each season. So high level DBD players can choose to keep all their stuff indefinitely if wanted.

Potential Future Changes

While the core prestige and leveling system has remained the same since launch, the developers Behaviour Interactive have hinted at plans to revamp or expand it:

  • Additional Prestige Levels – Possible support beyond the current max Prestige 3 cap
  • Prestige Shop/Currency – Spend prestige points on customization like charms
  • Unique Cosmetics – Special outfits tied to hitting Devotion caps
  • Season Resets – Forcing resets but with global player rewards

As a devoted player myself, I‘m intrigued to see what they change while hoping they retain the permanent unlocks as an optional path. But only time will tell!

Hopefully this clearly explains what the maximum level is in Dead by Daylight (Level 50) and how the prestige system allows dedicated players to surpass that cap through seasonal resets.

It takes thousands of hours and millions of bloodpoints to hit the pinnacle Prestige 3 Level 50, but the bloody skins and bragging rights make it an alluring goal for veterans like myself.

Feel free to ask me any other questions in the comments about efficiently leveling, prestige strategies, or if you just wanna squad up! I‘m always down to play. See you in the fog.

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