What is the max rank in Far Cry 6?

The maximum rank you can achieve in Far Cry 6 is Rank 20. Once you hit this top rank, you‘ll have unlocked all skills, maximum health, and access to purchase any weapon or gear in the game.

A Closer Look at Ranking Progression

Far Cry 6 features a deep player progression system tied to gaining XP and ranking up. Advancing ranks unlocks new abilities and gear, gradually making your guerrilla fighter more deadly.

But how high can you climb this ladder of revolution? Let‘s analyze ranking to better understand the endgame.

The Grind to Rank 20

Reaching Rank 20 requires a serious investment – we‘re talking at least 40+ hours of dedicated questing, base captures, rescues, and firefights.

Based on data aggregated from completionist players, you‘ll need around 1.5 million XP to hit the cap. That‘s no small feat in the war-torn jungles and cities of Yara.

Early estimates suggested an even higher max of Rank 35, but it‘s now confirmed that progression ends at 20.

|    Rank        |     XP      | Unlocked Upgrades  |  
|        1       |      0      |                    |
+----------------+-------------+                    |
|       20       | 1,500,000+  | All Skills         |
|                |             | Max Health         |
|                |             | All Weapons/Gear   |

Optimal Path to Rank 20

Reaching that 1.5 million XP threshold efficiently means utilizing every advantage.

The fastest way to max rank is combining:

  • Main/side missions
  • Capturing FND bases
  • XP boosting gear
  • Playing on Heroic difficulty setting
|           Tip            | XP Gain | Time to Rank 20 |
| Story/Side Missions Only | Normal  | 80+ hours      |
| All Activities           | Normal  | 60 hours       |
| All + XP Gear + Heroic   | High    | 40 hours       |  

Dedicated players on Heroic with XP gear can shave off over a third of the required playtime.

What Happens After I Hit Rank 20?

Great question! Once maxed out, XP instead converts to Combat Points – another form of progression currency.

  • Combat Points unlock new weapons, gear, and major items at vendors
  • You can still work towards 100% completion, challenges, special operations etc.
  • It becomes more about build crafting through purchases then raw ranking

So fear not – there‘s still plenty to achieve after hitting the level cap!

Evaluating Far Cry 6‘s Progression System

Let‘s zoom out and evaluate Ubisoft‘s overarching design here.

The Positives

  • Gated abilities encourage experimentation
  • Steady early game growth
  • Generous late game conversion to Combat Points
  • Additional difficulty modes supplement longevity

Overall, they nailed the core feedback loop of progress-reward.

However, a common complaint is that Rank 20 comes too quickly if you focus main objectives. The curve could be smoother.

Future Rank Expansions?

Could Ubisoft raise the cap in future DLC expansions a la Destiny 2? I wouldn‘t rule it out.

Ubisoft devs have hinted at major content drops extending Far Cry 6‘s lifespan. Future skill trees aren‘t off the table if players keep engaging post-launch.

We could see the max pushed to 25 or 30. However, I‘d bet Combat Points stay to prevent invalidating late game builds.

The Verdict?

While hardcore players may crave more, Rank 20 fits Far Cry 6‘s design as an accessible open world shooter. It caters to both causal dabblers and min/maxers chasing 100% completion.

Ubisoft wants you blasting through jungles or stealthily raiding bases – not grinding XP for marginal upgrades late game.

For the mainstream majority, Rank 20 hits the sweet spot before fatigue sets in.

So in summary:

Yes, Rank 20 is the max level possible currently. And for most, that should suffice to experience all the blood-soaked guerrilla glory Far Cry 6 has to offer.

Now grab your weapons, amigo! Yara awaits.

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