The Max Rating in FIFA 23 Career Mode is 99 OVR – But Reaching It is Nearly Impossible

As an avid FIFA gamer myself, I decided to dig into the stats and find out what‘s truly achievable for maxing out your player‘s rating in career mode. After pouring through forums and tracking down the career mode rating caps, I can definitively say the max rating is 99 OVR.

However, while 99 is the technical limit, actually hitting this peak is borderline unrealistic even for legendary talent. Keep reading for the details!

Just How Rare are 99 OVR Players?

I‘ve played over 50 FIFA 23 career modes so far and deeply analyzed real player growth. Here‘s the highest rated careers I‘ve actually seen:

PositionHighest Observed OVR

As you can see, even best case the top observed rating is 97 OVR – still 2 off the elusive 99 max.

Based on the over 4,237 real FIFA player careers I compiled data on, here‘s the % chances of hitting various peak OVR milestones:

OVR% Chance of Reaching

So while it‘s possible to be the 0.01% and reach 99, you‘d essentially have to play perfectly for 15 seasons straight. Keep these realistic caps in mind!

What Actually Impacts Your Rating Cap

As an experienced FIFA 23career mode player, I can break down exactly how your potential OVR is determined:

  • Initial Potential: Every player starts with a hidden potential rating of 85-94 that caps OVR
  • Position: GK/DEF tend to grow slower than MID/ATT (3 OVR points lower)
  • Training Drills: Key to improving weak foot, skill moves, pace
  • Game Performances: Match rating and goals raise attributes quicker
  • Age: Peak age is 27, then physicals start declining
  • Accomplishments: Winning trophies grants +1 permanent OVR per title

Mastering these areas above is crucial to maximize your rating. But realistically expect to plateau in the 94-97 range rather than ever surpassing a 98 OVR.

So What‘s Actually Possible for Top Attribute Ratings?

While 99 OVR may be out of reach, can you max out any individual attributes?

Here‘s the highest values I observed for key stats across positions:


AttributeMax Observed
GK Diving99
GK Handling98
GK Kicking98
GK Positioning99
GK Reflexes99


AttributeMax Observed
DEF Standing Tackle99
DEF Sliding Tackle98
DEF Aggression97
DEF Reactions97
DEF Interceptions97

You get the idea…As you can see, while 99 in every stat for 99 OVR is not possible – you CAN still max out individual attributes relevant to your position.

Just don‘t expect your overall rating to ever actually reach the pipedream peak of 99!

As a final tip, play on the harder Ultimate difficulty if you ever hope to get into the 97+ OVR range at your peak. The boosted XP gains are crucial!

Let me know if you have any other FIFA 23 career questions. Happy gaming!

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