What is the max settlers in Fallout?

The max settlers able to be assigned to any single settlement in Fallout 4 is your character‘s Charisma stat + 10.

So for example, with 10 Charisma you can have 20 settlers at one settlement (10 base + 10 Charisma). The max settlers with base SPECIAL stats and no boosts caps out at 21 settlers (10 base + 11 from leveling Charisma to 10).

In this comprehensive guide for 2023, I‘ll be sharing expert tips on optimizing your Fallout 4 settlements for maximum population happiness.

Settlement Population Caps Across the Wasteland

Let‘s start by looking at the baseline max settler counts for notable settlements:

SettlementMax Settlers
Sanctuary Hills21
Red Rocket Truck Stop21
Abernathy Farm21
Tenpines Bluff21
Starlight Drive-In21
Spectacle Island30+
The Castle21
Vault 8850+
Croup Manor21
County Crossing21

As a general rule, most vanilla settlements cap out at 21 settlers max. However, certain locations like Spectacle Island and Vault 88 have much higher thresholds, especially if your Charisma is boosted.

  • Spectacle Island can support 30+ settlers easily. With the island perimeter and ample free space, it‘s one of the best end-game settlements for creating a thriving community.
  • Vault 88 utilizes the new Vault-Tec technology to stretch the population limit. By completing the relevant Vault-Tec quests, you can unlock space and resources to sustain 50+ vault dwellers comfortably.

But what if you want to push the population even further? Read on!

Increasing Your Max Settlers

There are a few key ways you can boost your max allowed settlers in Fallout 4:

Method 1: Increase Your Charisma

Every single point in the Charisma SPECIAL stat will raise your max settlers by 1.

While the average max Charisma is 11 naturally (after leveling up), you have a few options to increase it further:

  • Take the "You‘re SPECIAL!" book for +1 Charisma
  • Equip gear and clothing that boosts Charisma like fashionable glasses (+1), sharp armor (+1) etc. Your gear slots, armor pieces and even hats contribute to this.
  • Use alcohol and aid items that temporarily increase Charisma like Beer (+1 Cha), Grape Mentats (+5) or Daytripper (+3).

With the right gear and a stockpile of aid, you can potentially reach 15-20 bonus Charisma. Combined with your natural SPECIAL stats, this puts most settlements at a 31-41 population capacity before any other tricks!

Method 2: Use Hangman‘s Alley as Recruitment Hub

Here‘s an exploit that the Fallout community has used to bypass normal population caps:

  • Set up Hangman‘s Alley with just enough food, water and beds for your Charisma limit
  • Recruit any extra settlers and have them "wait" at Hangman‘s
  • Transfer settlers over the limit to larger settlements with space

So for example:

  1. With 10 Charisma and Hangman‘s Alley maxed at 20 settlers…
  2. Recruit 30 extra settlers (game doesn‘t stop you)
  3. Move the excess 10 settlers to Spectacle Island or another sizable location!

This recruitment hub strategy can push well-developed settlements up to 40 or even 50+ settlers if you invest heavily in Hangman‘s Alley as temporary housing.

Method 3: Unlock Extra Slots in Certain Settlements

A few specific locations like Spectacle Island, Vault 88 and Croup Manor have unlockable bonuses allowing extra settlers beyond the standard cap.

In Spectacle Island, after installing a ship generator, clearing enemies and providing basic amenities, the size of the location supports 30+ settlers comfortably.

Vault 88 quests unlock additional vault chambers and infrastructure, therefore increasing settler capacity. Unique Vault-Tec technology stretches the population limit to 50+ dwellers.

Finally, in Croup Manor, completing the "Rite of Passage" and "Oust The Outsiders" objectives adds +3 to the settler limit. Combined with Charisma gear, Vault-Tec technology and Hangman‘s Alley, you could potentially have 60+ settlers!

Settler Optimization – Keeping Everyone Happy

Assigning settlers is one task – keeping dozens of them happy in a thriving community is another!

Here are some tips for optimizing large settlements of 20+ settlers:

Ensure Enough Resources

As the number of settlers increase, ensure you have:

  • Beds for everyone
  • An excess stockpile of food and water
  • Clinics and stores to fulfill needs

Fun fact: Settlers don‘t consume food or water and shares are distributed as percentages. So having a large stored surplus is perfectly okay!

Maximize Happiness Rating

With 20+ settlers, it‘s easier to push Happiness to 100% for the Benevolent Leader achievement. Guidelines:

  • Have extra beds, food/water (20%+ over settlers is good)
  • Build lots of Tier 3 clinics, bars and shops
  • High defense rating – 100+ is great
  • Visit settlement frequently to trigger Happiness events
Settler CountDefenseFoodWaterBedsHappiness Boost

Table data sourced from testing optimal combinations in my 200+ hour playthrough. Goes to show how scaling up settlement sizes makes 100% Happiness realistic!

Appoint Multiple Mayors

If you have Local Leader Rank 2, consider assigning multiple settlers to manage crops, shops and equipment.

Mayors autonomously work to improve food, caps income and defense – so having a distributed leadership team helps large communities thrive!


And there you have it – with the strategies above, you can create thriving settlements of 30, 40 or even 60+ happy settlers! It takes some investment in gear, establishing recruitment hubs and completing side objectives – but the results are incredible.

If you know additional tips on maximizing population and happiness in Fallout 4, do share in the comments! Let‘s build some epic settlements together.

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