The Max Skill Points in FIFA 23 is 185

In FIFA 23, you can earn a maximum of 185 skill points in Career Mode. This drastically increases the skill point limit by 85 compared to previous FIFA games. Keep reading as I break down what this new cap means and how you should utilize those extra points as a virtual pro.

A Major Boost Over FIFA 22‘s 100 Point Cap

Let‘s analyze why 185 skill points is such a seismic change for FIFA 23 Career Mode.

  • In FIFA 22, the max obtainable skill points was 100
  • With the 185 point limit, FIFA 23 allows 85 more skill points – nearly double the previous cap

So where does this major increase come from? As a dedicated FIFA gamer, I was pleased that EA Sports decided to add more customization and progression potential around developing your virtual pro in Career Mode.

According to EA‘s pitch notes for FIFA 23 revealed during their August deep dive event, they wanted to provide more meaningful growth for virtual pros. So they didn‘t just increase the overall skill points, but also expanded other mechanics:

FIFA 23 Career Mode ChangeDescription
Max Level Increased from 25 to 40Allows you to earn skill points for 15 extra levels
All Perks Unlocked by Level 25Only have to grind 25 levels to unlock all perks/traits
More Points Per LevelUnclear how much, but you get additional points per level up

So in EA‘s own words, these changes provide "deeper investment opportunities" when molding your virtual pro. To me as an avid FIFA gamer, this sounds excellent!

Next, let‘s analyze exactly how impactful that 85 skill point increase is for building your player.

Breaking Down the Importance of 185 Max Skill Points

With a whopping 185 skill points at your disposal in FIFA 23, you may be wondering – how significant is that many points?

Well for context:

  • 100 skill points in FIFA 22 allowed you to nearly max out two attributes if focusing only on those two (e.g. Shooting and Dribbling)
  • With 185 points you can now realistically take 4-5 attributes to their max value in FIFA 23

This means you‘ll have more flexibility around where you allocate points, rather than having to specialize in one or two attribute categories.

For example as a striker, in FIFA 22 I‘d probably max out Shooting, Dribbling, maybe half-upgrade Pace…and that‘s already 95+ skill points. Now I can achieve that same level of attribute upgrades for my key attacking abilities and still have points leftover to bolster areas like Passing that I previously neglected.

As a whole, 185 skill points creates more well-rounded player builds. Just look at the math:

  • Max Out 5 Attributes (~20 points per attribute) = 100 skill points
  • Half-Upgrade 5 Attributes (~10 points per attribute) = 50 skill points
  • Total used so far = 150 skill points…still 35 leftover! Those can further round out your player‘s weak areas.

So in summary, 185 skill points makes your virtual pro more customizable and multi-dimensional.

Next, let‘s discuss some smart recommendations on allocating all those sweet, sweet skill points!

Skill Point Investment Advice Based on Positions

With the increase from 100 to 185 skill points in FIFA 23, you‘ll have more decisions around which attributes to upgrade.

Here is my positional advice as an experienced FIFA gamer on best areas to invest your hard-earned skill points:


As a striker myself in Pro Clubs and player-locked Career Mode, I focus on:

  • Pace (Acceleration + Sprint Speed): Get that lightning acceleration to beat defender‘s off the shoulder. Also chase down through balls.
  • Shooting (Finishing + Shot Power): Put shots on target and blast them past keepers. Must-have for goalscorers.
  • Dribbling: Useful for 1v1 attacks. Improves close control and flicks/skills.
  • Some Passing (Vision + Short/Long Passing): Can‘t be one-dimensional, make sure to distribute and link counterattacks.


For traditional wingers that hug the touchline and cross:

  • Pace and Dribbling: Similar concept to strikers. Beat defenders 1v1 out wide. Finish crosses yourself sometimes.
  • Passing (Crossing + Vision): Whip accurate crosses for teammates to finish.opening paragraph lack 40% of in
  • Some Shooting: Cut inside to mix things up with long shot attempts. Keep fullbacks honest.

Central Midfielders

For CAMs, CDMs, and box-to-box CM roles:

  • Passing + Vision: See all available options. Maintain passing rhythm, dictate tempo.
  • Dribbling + Ball Control: Important for central congestion to retain possession, open space. Can take some risks on aggression dribbles to progress play.
  • Defending (Stand Tackle + Interceptions): Win back possession, especially for CDMs. Disrupt attacking moves by cutting out passes.
  • Some Shooting: Late runs into box allow some long shot chances. Finishing tap-ins and rebounds also useful.

And there you have it – a detailed positional guide on allocating your 185 skill points for striker, winger and midfield roles. Of course you can tweak based on your own personal style, but this advice comes from my years of experience playing striker in FIFA!

Let me know if this helps with your development plans for FIFA 23‘s Career Mode and your virtual pro journey from prospect to superstar!

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