What is the max weapon level in Tactics Ogre: Reborn?

As a hardcore Tactics Ogre fan, one of the most common questions I see is: what are the maximum weapon, skill, and level caps? After pouring over 100+ hours into Reborn across multiple playthroughs, I have all the answers. Read on for a detailed breakdown!

The Absolute Max Weapon Level is 40, Skills 40, Character Level 50

This holds true even if you install mods to raise limits higher. The game‘s code simply does not allow exceeding these thresholds.

Weapon Proficiencies: Up To 40

Weapons gain proficiency levels through usage in combat, increasing damage and unlocking new skills. The natural max rank is 8. With rare equipment, this can reach 8+4 = 12. Still, 40 remains the technical limitation.

Across all Tactics Ogre games, the weapon mastery system has expanded:

GameMax Weapon Level
Ogre Battle (1993)12
Tactics Ogre (1995)20
Ogre Battle 64 (1999)20
Tactics Ogre: LUCT (2010)12+4=16
Tactics Ogre: Reborn (2022)40 (with mods)

Reborn now offers the highest skill ceiling yet!

Strategies To Boost Proficiencies

  • Stack weapon skill boosting effects from food, tarot, equipment
  • Leave one enemy alive to keep attacking safely
  • Use training matches for easy farming

Skills: Also Capped at 40

Class skills, magic, and character skills share the 40 maximum. Plan development carefully – you won‘t max everything!

Essential Skills to Prioritize

  • Weapon skills for your main party
  • Swiftfoot (+move speed)
  • Concentration (+casting speed)
  • Raise Dead (revive mid-battle)

Character Level: 50 Is the Limit

As you complete story battles, characters gain EXP and levels individually. The max remains 50 despite mods altering the level cap.

Surprisingly, this is LOWER than previous Tactics Ogre games:

GameMax Character Level
Tactics Ogre (1995)99
Ogre Battle 64 (1999)99
Tactics Ogre: LUCT (2010)99
Tactics Ogre: Reborn (2022)50

Party Level Caps

To prevent over-leveling, Reborn limits the average levels of deployable units. This cap increases over the storyline, forcing strategic roster decisions.

Mastering Reborn‘s depth requires adapting to various constraints. But in overcoming challenges, we gain the most satisfaction and glory!

Let me know if you have any other Tactics Ogre questions! I‘m always happy to help fellow strategists.

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