What is the maximum army size in Rome Total War 2?

As any aspiring Roman emperor knows, the path to conquering the ancient world requires mighty armies. But Rome 2 caps individual armies at 20 units. Is expansion limited by this count? Let‘s discuss max army sizes and how to push the boundaries!

The 20 Unit Army Cap

Right from the start, Rome 2 enforces a 20 unit cap per army and navy. You also need a general or admiral to lead forces into battle:

  • 20 units (infantry, ranged, cavalry etc.)
  • 1 General or Admiral

This limit is a series constant throughout the Total War series. And it mirrors historical army structures.

Imperial Roman legions were organized cohorts of 480 to 600 men. Standard game units represent hundreds of soldiers. 20 units per army provides scale similar to legions of 4,000-6,000 men.

[Image: Roman legion structure]

Of course, even mighty Rome couldn‘t conquer an empire with just 20 units forever. Defeat enough barbarian hordes in Germania though, and you‘ll unlock…

Expanding Army Counts via Imperium

Rome 2‘s imperium system allows growing factions to field more armies based on territory controlled, technologies researched, and allies cultivated.

The first imperium level supports 2 full armies and navies. But climbing to the max Imperium VIII means unleashing 16 armies upon foes – over 300 units crushing rebellions and conquering in the name of SPQR!

[Table: Imperium levels]

How can we expand imperium quickly? Here are some power-building strategies:

  • Rush techs that drive imperium growth like "Italic Confederations"
  • Create buffer kingdoms instead destroying weak rivals to gain military allies
  • Develop inner provinces before expanding wider to increase provincial imperium bonuses

Combining expansion with robust interior development is key to sustaining maximum legions turn after turn.

But even 16 armies of 20 units can‘t match epic historical clashes like Cannae (86,000 men) or Adrianople (100,000+). What gives?

Breaking Limits with Reinforcements & Mods

Fear not mighty strategoi! Two main options exist for far exceeding 20 units in battle:

Reinforcing Armies

If two 20 unit armies are near each other, both forces combine upon attacking to allow commanding 40 units in battle. As losses mount, fresh reinforcements continuously cycle from the rearguard.

Flanking with reinforcing cavalry while pinning enemies with infantry is devastatingly effective.

This tactic mimics historic military strategy – like Hannibal flanking reinforcements crushing Romans at Cannae.

But balancing 40 units on varied terrain is still an intense micro challenge. And keeping two armies grouped limits strategic flexibility.

Army Size Mods

Game modifying mods open virtually unlimited possibilities by adjusting army caps or removing limits completely.

The "40 Units Per Army" mod doubles army sizes. And other mods like Byzzie‘s Ultimate Traits, Talents, Toadies (UTTT) let you field over 75 custom units per army!

[Image: UTTT mod unit size settings]

Downsides include major performance hits in large battles, glitches with reinforcements, bloated UI, and distracted unit oversight. Low framerates can also ruin epic conquests.

I suggest the 40 unit mod as a middle ground. It delivers historical scale without the micro pain of 75+ units per battle!

Rome 2‘s 20 unit cap none too restrictive. Smart imperium growth powers expansion while tactical reinforcements and mods enable unlimited prospects.

Will you slowly build empire under core legions? Or field 100,000 strong armiesswpign away pretenders? The choice is yours! Now to take Rome for myself while you were reading this… Ave Imperator!

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