Managing Student Behavior is the Most Difficult Task for Substitute Teachers

As a legendary guild master and passionate gamer, I‘ve helped regiments conquer the most ruthless raid bosses and emerged victorious in PvP battlegrounds. But few challenges compare to the raid-like boss battle of managing a classroom as a substitute teacher. With no established relationships or intel on the students, stepping into an unfamiliar environment fills many subs with dread and anxiety akin to entering a high stakes mythic dungeon. Make no mistake – getting a group of random students to cooperate and progress through lesson plans without chaos is easily the most difficult trial substitute teachers face.

It‘s Like Herding Cats… Cats Who Can Yell At You

I currently help lead a 400+ person guild across several games. Between scheduling massive raid events and resolving disputes over loot distribution, I‘m no stranger to navigating tricky group dynamics. But attempting to teach 30 students who don‘t know you, don‘t necessarily respect you, and may act out or talk back at any moment? That‘s a tall order even for the most seasoned MMORPG officers.

Managing random PUG groups, as many pickup raiders know, can be excruciating enough. At least in those situations you‘re united by a common goal like completing a mythic dungeon. As a substitute trying to make students turn in homework for their regular teacher, you face an uphill battle getting buy-in, cooperation, and compliance from the class. It‘s almost comical how quickly things spiral out of control if you don‘t establish dominance early as a substitute. Some students actively test boundaries, others talk relentlessly or play on phones – without tight class leadership, you‘ll wipe harder than a noob tank facing Sepulcher of the First Ones on Heroic.

Core Stats for the Substitute Teacher Struggle

While rewards like loot and achievement points aren‘t on the line for subs, data shows just how punishing the classroom management boss fight can be:

  • 64% of substitute teachers identify disciplinary issues as their top classroom concern (Frontline Education)
  • 50% struggle to quiet disruptive students and maintain order (Kelly Services)
  • Student misbehavior tops the list of challenges for 73% of substitutes (

Like entering high level Mythic+ content undergeared, substitute teachers often feel overwhelmed and underequipped to handle unruly students as a stranger dropped in for a single day.

The fight often feels unwinnable. But through the right preparation, tactics in battle, and support abilities, victory is possible.

Counter the Meta: Tips, Tricks and Strats from a Substitute Raid Leader

Here are my hard-tested substitute teacher tips for establishing control and asserting your dominance from the loading screen:

  • Set clear rules/expectations upfront – Just like you‘d discuss tactics beforehand and assign group roles, be direct about behavior standards.
  • Project confidence as the authority figure – Enter like a longstanding raid leader – back straight, head high, expecting compliance.
  • Address issues quickly and unequivocally – Like a vigilant healer dispelling debuffs, promptly respond to each disruption without getting dragged into lengthy debates.
  • Remain calm but firm if students challenge you – Channel years of experience resolving guild drama over stolen loot – don‘t get baited into emotional arguments.
  • Catch students being good – Positive reinforcement, like throwing a buff on your highest DPS, encourages more followers.

And if things escalate beyond your capabilities, don‘t hesitate to call in the principal – your raid‘s GM – to lay down the banhammer.

With the right battle plan in place, you can turn even the most chaotic class of randoms into an orderly, cooperative team. The run may not be pretty and you‘ll probably limp across the finish line sweating. But crossing that finish line, completed lesson plan in hand, will feel every bit as gratifying as taking down Mythic Denathrius or the Lich King on Heroic 25. It may require intense coordination, deft reaction times, precise decision-making, and plenty of patience in the face of repeated wipes. But victory is attainable for even undertrained PUG substitute teachers – as long as you stay frosty and keep learning from past failed attempts.

Now excuse me while I perfect my rotation… I mean lesson plan. Gotta gear up to take on the ruthless Darkvein Clasp substitute teaching syndicate tomorrow!

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