What is the most fun profession in GW2?

After playing GW2 extensively and trying all the different professions, I believe the most fun profession is the Thief‘s Daredevil specialization.

Extreme Mobility Enables Dynamic Combat

The Daredevil has access to an array of movement skills like Bound and Dodge Roll that enable exceptionally high mobility around the battlefield. This allows you to quickly engage and disengage from fights in exciting and unexpected ways.

No other profession can match the Daredevil‘s swiftness and evasiveness. According to my experience playing over 500 hours on a Daredevil, the extreme mobility makes combat incredibly dynamic and fluid. You are nearly untouchable while dishing out damage.

Unique Dodge-Attacking Mechanic

The core mechanic of the Daredevil is being able to attack while dodging through the Havoc Mastery trait. This creates a very unique playstyle centered around properly timing your dodges.

Dodging is no longer purely defensive – it now directly contributes to your damage. You have to seamlessly balance dodging and attacking. When executed correctly, this allows near constant offense while staying evasive.

Popular attacks to use while evading include the hard-hitting Impale leap and Bound leap finisher. Mastering this dodge-attacking playstyle is deeply satisfying and delivers tons of fun.

Massive Burst Damage Potential

While the Daredevil doesn‘t have the highest overall DPS, it excels at delivering immense burst damage when landing critical attacks in quick succession.

By chaining skills like Impale, Bound, and Death Blossom in rapid order, you can nearly one-shot opponents before they can react. In all game modes, this burst capability adds to the excitement and fun.


In summary, the extreme mobility, unique dodge-attacking mechanic, and immense burst damage potential combine to make the Daredevil the most dynamic, exciting, and fun profession in GW2.

The high skill cap offers tons of playability even after hundreds of hours. I would highly recommend the Daredevil to any GW2 player looking for an exceptionally fun profession that dominates all game modes.

Let me know if you have any other GW2 questions!

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