Titans Are The Most Underplayed Class in Destiny 2…And That‘s a Travesty

As a long-time Titan main with thousands of hours clocked in Destiny 2, I‘m here to confirm that yes – Titans are unfortunately the most least played class in the game. Across all activities and player bases, Titan representation falls painfully short of Hunters and Warlocks.

Trust me, I have the bruises to show for it! But the numbers don‘t lie…

By The Stats: Titan Popularity Drags Behind

Here is the hardcore data on class distribution among the Destiny population in 2024:


As you can see, Titans consistently rank last in representation across all core activities. In PvE, Titans make up just 28% of all Guardian classes. The numbers rise slightly to 33% in PvP Crucible modes, but they still can‘t catch those pesky Hunters!

So whether patrolling on destinations or slaying out in Trials, we Titans just can‘t seem to attract players like the other classes can. But…why?

Examining The Reasons Behind the Titan Fall

Through extensive film study sessions (AKA raging at my monitor), I‘ve identified some theories on why Titans struggle to find their footing:

Lack of Solo Carry Potential

While Hunters can wipe out ads with Moebius Quiver or easily escape danger invisible, Titans lack these solo hero moments. Our Super abilities focus more on control and defense rather than monster damage output. That leads to less flashy appeal for some players.

Immobility in PvP

Sure, I can tank a few shotgun blasts with my overshield up. But in the current Crucible meta, mobility reigns supreme. Titans simply move too slow to compete with those pesky Hunters and their constant dodging! Maybe if Bungie removed hunters from the game entirely that 3% PvP gap would vanish…

Underwhelming Exotic Armor Choices

From Helm of Saint-14 to Mask of the Quiet One, many Titan exotic armors fail to impress. Very few dramatically shift combat capabilities like a Celestial Nighthawk or Contraverse Hold. And some like Eternal Warrior are downright useless! Give me an OEM meta any day of the week.

Lack of Support Viability

Warlocks keep the best support tools like Well of Radiance and healing rift to themselves, while Hunters can share invis and instant rezzes. Titans have precious few ways to support the squad, with Ward of Dawn and Code of the Protector barely getting any play these days. It wasn‘t always this way, I swear!

Minimal Build Variety

The Titan path to success is pretty linear – stack Resilience, use Loreley Splendor, spam grenades and barricades. Maybe mix in HOIL or Heart if you‘re feeling spicy! Beyond that and build options dry up. Meanwhile, Warlocks enjoy endless crafted potential.

I could go on listing Titan troubles, but now you get the idea on why our mighty class faces an uphill battle for respect!

Sunsetting The Titan Stigma in Destiny 2

While the present looks bleak for rockin‘ the crayola armor, some promising beams of Light peek through the clouds of despair:

Standout Void 3.0 Improvements

Between Offensive Bulwark giving Overshields on ability kills and Bastion providing 45% damage resistance while critical, the revamped Void Titan kit brings some serious tankiness to the table! Toss on Helm of Saint-14 too for the nostalgia. Now if I could only have my Commander shield back…

Incredible Synergy with Exotics

Pairing HOIL with Thundercrash or Loreley with Sunspots – Titans may lack options but we know how to double down on strengths! I‘m still waiting for Bungie to nerf HOIL like they do everything good in my precious punchy life…

Control and Survivability > Pure Speed

Be it flanking with Antaeus Wards, defending a control point with towering Barricades, or going Wolverine berserker with Wormgod Caress, Titans offer brazen frontal assault capabilities and relentless persistence the other classes simply can‘t match! Is it chaotic neutral to barricade spawn doors in Trials? Asking for a friend.

Embracing the Underdog Mentality

Being part of Destiny‘s least popular class breeds a special kind of camaraderie. We Titans have to constantly prove ourselves through overachieving feats of strength and willpower. My shattered spine may never recover twerking after every Dungeon solo flawless but anything for the Titan flex!

So while the marginalization stings hard initially, it galvanizes my resolve to force feed grenades down the enemy‘s throat until given the respect Titans duly deserve! Now if only I could have unlimited suppressor grenades in PvP again…

But above all, we Titans wouldn‘t have it any other way. Being the underplayed class simply fuels our pride in donning the iconic red crayons and punching beyond our weight. So to all my fellow Titans grinding away out there…stand tall. Our time in the Tower light will come again!

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I have a barricade that needs placing on this objective point to uhh…"tactically assess" the area. Titan pride!

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