The Strongest Solo Carry Class in Diablo 3 is Wizard

When it comes to slaying demons alone, no class dominates rifts and bounties quite like the Wizard. With extremely high damage output potential and diverse crowd control options, the Wizard specializes in obliterating dozens of foes at once.

According to a poll conducted on Reddit of over 500 Diablo players, Wizard was voted as the strongest solo class by a wide margin. Many cite the Wizard‘s Firebird build as close to an "easy mode" for handling torment levels due to its explosive area damage and tankiness.

What Makes Wizard So Strong?

  • With builds like Firebird or Typhon Hydra, the Wizard boasts incredible damage potential – we‘re talking several billion DPS once you optimize gear and skills. No other class can melt elites and bosses quite as quickly.

  • Skills like Teleport, Illusionist passive, and Ice Armor make the Wizard incredibly mobile and slippery. You can reposition constantly while ignoring most enemy affixes.

  • Crowd control options let you control the battlefield: Freeze solid groups with Ray of Frost, stun with Teleport calamities, and cluster with Black Hole before nuking everything.

  • Unique mechanics like Deathwish, Ignite, and Arcane Power dynamics reward expert play with astronomical damage potential.

Of course, the Wizard isn‘t without faults. Many builds rely heavily on cooldown rotations and specific items to really pop off. Playing one also requires constantly monitoring skill synergy timers and Arcane Power. However, in terms of raw power, nothing beats a well-executed Wizard rampage.

Other Strong Solo Classes

While Wizard takes the top spot for solo power, other classes like Necromancer and Demon Hunter also perform well:

  • Necromancer – Army of the dead plus corpse skills like Devour give Necro insane sustain. Elite builds using Poison Scythe can push into 150+ solo Greater Rifts.

  • Demon Hunter – Unrivaled single target DPS thanks to sentries and companions. Great at quickly bursting down Rift Guardians. Squishier than other classes when swarmed.

  • Crusader – Nearly immortal 1H-shield builds utilizing Steed Charge and Condemn crush mid-tier solos thanks to high toughness. Limited in very high Greater Rifts.

  • Monk – Seven-sided-strike center builds melt elites, but can struggle against dense swarms compared to Wizard AoE. High mobility helps with farming.

Best Group Support Classes

Though Wizard excels at solo play, in groups, other classes provide more party utility:

ClassGroup Benefits
MonkFlexible primary support via Inner Sanctuary, Mystic Ally buffs, and crowd control
NecromancerSecondary damage support with Command Skeletons and Corpse Lance
BarbarianFrontline tanking, crowd control, and damage boosts
CrusaderDefensive auras and cc options

Monk and Barbarian, in particular, are extremely desired for their buffs. Necromancer offers great minion support for monster density, and Crusader provides party protection.

While nearly all classes have strong builds capable of handling all Diablo 3‘s challenges, none dominate faster solo rift clears like the Wizard, thanks to its ultra high damage potential and flexibility. But in groups, the utility of Monk, Barbarian and even Necromancer sees them providing key buffs and debuffs to push higher content.

Hopefully this breakdown gives you a better sense of the current power hierarchy! Let me know if you have any other questions in your demon-slaying adventures.

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