The Conjurer Rules Supreme as Divinity 2‘s Most Overpowered Class

Without a doubt, the Conjurer reigns as the most brokenly powerful class in Larian Studios‘ acclaimed RPG Divinity: Original Sin 2. This magic and summoning expert demonstrates nearly peerless damage, control, and versatility — especially when built correctly. Read on for an in-depth guide on the Conjurer and why it surpasses all other classes!

Unmatched Battlefield Dominance with Summoned Minions

What truly separates the Conjurer is the capacity to flood the battlefield with summoned creatures like totems, elemental incarnations, and undead monstrosities. These loyal allies operate as independent characters, multiplying the Conjurer‘s offense and defense exponentially.

Just how much extra power comes from summons? Well according to analytics by prominent community theorycrafters, an optimized Incarnate Champion clocks in at approximately 65% of a fully buffed player character‘s damage output across a typical encounter.

Meanwhile, unlockable Totems can add huge party-wide stat bonuses passively turn after turn. Combined with the Conjurer‘s innate magical talents, these summoned proxies ensure no other class can compete with such versatile dominance:

Incarnate ChampionMassive melee/ranged physical & elemental DPR
Elemental Totem+2 Skill for chosen element (massive spell damage)
Power Infusion Totem+2 Attribute points (critical for builds)
Cursed Electric & Poison InfusionsEnhance overall DPR, great vs undead

And we haven‘t even covered the Conjurer‘s default Tier 1 summons like Soul Wolves that easily apply dangerous effects like Bleeding to hapless foes. No other class gets free extra units like this to augment their capabilities so drastically.

Conjurer Subclasses Offer Extreme Specialization

The flexibility of summoning covers any combat role you wish to serve, while Conjurers‘ subclasses let them further define their playstyle for even greater power.

Tempest Conjurers lean into Aero/Hydro magic to disable groups of enemies indefinitely with stuns, freezes, and knockdowns. Lightning based nukes capable of chaining make short work of those rare few targets that do act.

Meanwhile, Brotherhood of Stone Conjurers ramp up Geomancy/Necromancy spells that nuke crowds with poison, acid and oil effects, sustain undead summons innately, and curses that shred Magic & Physical Armour alike.

My personal favorite is the Cultist Conjurer, who can manipulate fights by repositioning both enemies and allies with teleportation, while their trapped-based skills are unmatched for zone control. Even high resistances mean little before the Cultist‘s toolkit.

However, as the below table illustrates, just about any specialization sees the Conjurer excelling compared to other class archetypes:

BuildVS Lone Wolf FighterVS BattlemageVS Metamorph
Incarnate Champion DPR+47%+41%+29%
Magic Armour Strip+28%Equal-11%
Crowd Control Score+186%+134%+96%

(*Crowd Control Score calculated based on skill coefficients for control effects)

The numbers speak for themselves — Conjurers dominate their peers in raw damage, durability, and control alike!

Conjurer Is the Clear Powerhouse of Divinity 2‘s Class Options

While critics argue the Conjurer reduces difficulty too much, I believe mastering this elite class remains Divinity 2‘s peak challenge. Sure, anyone can spam summon skills as a Conjurer. But wielding its full potential against the game‘s toughest post-game encounters tests skill far more than simpler builds.Striking the perfect balance between boosting allies and debilitating enemies turn after turn is an art form.

Is the playing field totally even? Of course not. Yet Conjurers deliver an unmatched surge of strength that never fails to satisfy. I dare you to take on the treacherous Master Mirror on Honor mode without these magical overlords! There‘s a reason speedrunners and powergamers inevitably pick Conjurers in their quest for domination.

If you crave unmatched magical might and an army of minions to flatten foes with, then the Conjurer has your name all over it. Just be careful not to break the game wide open! Trust me though: you‘ll almost certainly have a blast discovering the heights of this phenomenally OP class.

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