The Most Popular WoW Classes in 2024

According to the latest data aggregated by Raider.IO from mythic+ runs, the current ranking of most popular World of Warcraft classes in 2024 is:

  1. Hunter (13.5% of players)
  2. Death Knight (11.2%)
  3. Demon Hunter (11.1%)
  4. Druid (10.9%)
  5. Warrior (10.3%)

Historical Popularity and Staying Power

Out of these classes, Hunter and Druid have consistently rated among the tops in popularity for over a decade. During the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King eras over 10 years ago, Hunters reigned supreme as the most played class.

This staying power speaks to how approachable and versatile Hunters are as the premier pet class in WoW. While they‘ve ceded 1st place a couple times, they remain a perennial favorite.

Similarly, Druids have long-occupied top 5 status across WoW‘s history. As the jack-of-all-trades able to play multiple roles, Druids enjoy great flexibility in playing styles which contributes to their enduring popularity.

| Expansion   | Most Played    |  
| Classic     | Hunter         |
| The Burning | Hunter         |
| Crusade     |                |  
| Wrath       | Hunter         | 
| Cataclysm   | Paladin        |
| Mists       | Paladin        |  
| Warlords    | Hunter         |
| Battle      | Demon Hunter   |
| For Azeroth |                |
| Shadowlands | Demon Hunter   |

Table showing most played WoW class by expansion

The Rise of Demon Hunters

When Demon Hunters launched with Legion in 2016, they instantly shot up to be the #1 most played class which they‘ve kept through the last two expansions. Their elite hero fantasy, mana-less resource system, and mobility have resonated nicely.

Monks have similarly found a passionate playerbase, getting as high as #3 at one point backing their fascinating martial arts/chi resource mechanics.

Meanwhile, classes like Warlocks and Mages have slipped out of the top 5 after historically rating highly. Losing ground to flashier competition.

Least Popular Classes

On the other end of the spectrum, the 5 least popular WoW classes at the moment are:

  1. Priest (7.2% of players)
  2. Shaman (7.1%)
  3. Rogue (6.9%)
  4. Monk (6.8%)
  5. Mage (6.7%)

Besides Rogues which have always attracted stealth lovers, these unpopular classes have a few things working against them.

Priests and Shaman don‘t boast the most exciting damage rotations compared to peers. Monks and Mages suffer from complexity driving players away.

Still, all these classes each have diehard communities keeping them relevant despite lagging popularity.

Forward Projections

Looking ahead, WoW‘s next Dragonflight expansion seems primed to shake up the popularity landscape.

With Evokers entering as the new talent-hybrid class, their allure may likely propel them near the top. Demand is already high based on beta access requests.

Meanwhile, overhauls to talents and abilities could allow currently lagging classes to close the gap by modernizing their toolkits. Classes like Shaman seem specifically targeted for revived interest in Dragonflight.

As always in WoW‘s fluid design ecosystem, the winds of change will determine what classes break out in this latest chapter.

But we can expect stalwarts like Hunters and Druids to remain beloved anchors near the top barring any radical nerfs targeting their established playstyles.

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