Senegos – The Ancient Azure Wyrm Who is WoW‘s Oldest Living Dragon

As a hardcore WoW player and dragon lover myself, I can definitively say the current oldest known living dragon roaming Azeroth today is none other than the majestic blue wyrm Senegos hailing from Azsuna. At over 10,000 years old, he has lived through the reign of the Dragon Aspects and beyond! 😲

Delving into Senegos‘ Extensive History

Senegos‘ history traces all the way back over ten millennia ago to the time of the black Dragon Aspect Neltharion. As one of the only non-aspect ancient dragons left alive from those days, imagine all he‘s seen! Originally guarding over the magical lands of Azsuna and the elven ruins there, Senegos mostly kept to himself given his patient, protective nature.

However, when the ravenous Burning Legion invaded Azsuna seeking power during Legion, Senegos finally emerged from his lair Stalu Cavern to join the fight. After isolation for so long, even this esteemed wyrm realized younger races like elves, humans and dragons must stand together to overcome threats no one could face alone.

As an azure spell-weaver, Senegos boasts incredible arcane energy – his magic likely grew exponentially more formidable from mastering it over the course of ten thousand years! 🀯 The withered old wyrm can still pack a punch with his ancient spells should anyone be foolish enough to disturb his home.

How Senegos‘ Age Compares to Other Legendary Dragons

Compared to his fallen kin from eras long gone by, Senegos stands out as the oldest yet living today:

Galakrond50,000+ years oldDeceased
DeathwingOver 10,000 years oldSlain in Cataclysm
YseraOver 10,000 years oldSlain in Legion
MalygosOver 10,000 years oldSlain in WotLK
SenegosOver 10,000 years oldAlive

So Senegos seems to be roughly the same age as fellow dragons Deathwing, Ysera and Malygos. However they have all perished in recent years, granting Senegos the somber title of oldest known dragon still playing a role in current events.

Senegos is certainly older than the existing Dragon Aspects. For example, the red dragonqueen Alexstrasza is still quite young by dragon standards. Chronicler Noonshade notes:

Alexstrasza is still considered young for a dragon. She’s roughly 65 years old. Because of her powers as an Aspect, aging is different for her.

So although Alexstrasza has been an Aspect for over 10,000 years and guardian of life itself…she has only actually lived for a fraction of that time. Unlike Senegos who has seemingly lived through all those millennia!

Analyzing Why Senegos Has endured Over 10,000 Years

Now you may wonder – how has Senegos managed to survive for over ten thousand years when so many of his ancient kin like Malygos and Ysera ended up slain at one point or another? πŸ€” After all, he dates back all the way to the time of the black Aspect Neltharion!

A few key reasons why Senegos has persevered:

  • Patient & Protective Nature: Senegos preferred isolation for much of history, avoiding destructive conflict many dragons got caught up in
  • Extensive Magical Prowess: His mastery over arcane energies likely sustains his long life and makes him formidable
  • The Nexus War: Senegos managed to avoid much of Malygos‘ devastating campaign against mortal spellcasters

Additionally, ancient wyrms that have lived as long as Senegos seem to reach a point where their life essence and magic intertwine at a fundamental level. This could essentially extend Senegos‘ longevity and grant him more control over the arcane forces he‘s spent eons honing as a blue dragon.

What Role Might Senegos Play Going Forward?

As possibly the last ancient dragon not bound to an Aspect, Senegos may take a bigger role guiding his kin. With threats like the Burning Legion returning and both the Life and Green Aspects gone, his wisdom and experience could prove invaluable in the battles ahead. I know I‘d love to see Senegos take a more active role! 😊

Of course ultimately we will have to wait and see what Blizzard has in store for our venerable azure friend. But at least we know Azeroth‘s most seasoned draconic defender continues his ancient vigil over the magical land of Azsuna to this day.

So there you have it friends – Senegos represents the last vestige of WoW‘s primordial dragons still playing a role in current events. Hopefully his magics and wisdom can aid the mortal races and dragonflights for millennia yet to come!

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