The Mushroom Kingdom: The One Kingdom the Sphinx Hasn‘t Seen

As a longtime gaming enthusiast and Mario franchise expert, I‘ve tackled my fair share of mysteries and brainteasers over the years. But few left me as stumped as the Sphinx‘s signature Super Mario Odyssey riddle: "What is the only kingdom I have not visited?" After digging through fan wikis, gaming guides, and my own memory banks, the answer hit me – the iconic Mushroom Kingdom!

Why the Mushroom Kingdom Stands Alone

For the uninitiated, the Mushroom Kingdom is the quintessential Mario locale. This magical land brought us classic settings like Peach‘s Castle and Toad Town. However, in Super Mario Odyssey, visiting takes some extra work. Players must first finish the main adventure. According to IGN‘s Kingdom guide:

This Kingdom can only be unlocked after completing the main story.

So while Sphinx statues pop up across sandbox and story levels alike quizzing Mario, the Mushroom Kingdom remains sealed off on principle!

But why make such an iconic location so hard to access? As a franchise superfan, I have some theories…

The History and Lore Behind the Sphinx‘s Riddles

The Sphinx has challenged Mario‘s wit across generations of games with clever word problems. In Odyssey, solving them earns useful hearts.

Some Notable Sphinx Locations

KingdomSphinx Location
Wooded KingdomFound at the very start
Sand KingdomInside Crazy Cap store
Moon KingdomEver-After Hill ledge

But the Sphinx dates back far beyond the Odyssey era with a tradition of guarding secrets. So keeping the Mushroom Kingdom‘s doors closed fits perfectly. Only once a player has proven themselves worthy does he invite you to meet its ruler – Princess Peach.

Passing the Sphinx‘s Test

By locking the Mushroom Kingdom behind the main campaign‘s finale, I believe Nintendo wanted meeting Mario‘s famous friends to feel earned. The devs know this region is incredibly special to fans young and old. So they crafted an epic quest across globe-trotting locales that culminates in returning home to your roots.

We as players share the satisfaction and nostalgia Mario must feel seeing Peach‘s beautiful castle again. It makes enjoying the realm‘s Easter eggs and references even sweeter.

The Sphinx let‘s you know the journey was worth it – you‘re no average gamer if you‘ve seen what I haven‘t!

For now, the Mushroom Kingdom retains its air of mystery and privilege. But who knows? With more Mario adventures on the horizon, maybe the Sphinx will drop in one day with another brainteaser for the plucky plumber…

What iconic kingdoms would you like the Sphinx to explore next? Share your theories below!

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