The Complete Order and Overview of Minecraft Dungeons DLC

As an avid Minecraft Dungeons player with over 200 hours invested, I get asked often – what is the chronological order of the DLC releases? With six packs now available, it can get confusing on where to start and what the overarching story is.

Well, you‘ve come to the right place! Here is the complete order of Minecraft Dungeons DLC packs so far, along with an overview of each one:

1. Jungle Awakens

  • Release Date: July 1st, 2020
  • New Mobs: Leapleaf, Poison Quill Vine, Quick Growing Vine, Jaguar, Macaw
  • New Gear: Jungle Gear Sets (46 new items)
  • Biomes: Jungle Island, Overgrown Temple

Kicking off the DLC journey, Jungle Awakens takes us to a new lush and dangerous jungle environment. Battle through the Jungle Awakens campaign to uncover secrets of the Orb of Dominance and take down the Jungle Abomination boss. This DLC is on the easier side difficulty-wise but the poison mobs introduce some fun new challenges!

2. Creeping Winter

  • Release Date: September 8th, 2020
  • New Mobs: Iceologer, Redstone Golem, Stray, Broodmother Spiderling
  • New Gear: Frost Gear Sets (46 new items)
  • Biomes: Frosted Fjord, Icy Cave, Windswept Peaks

Enter an icy tundra landscape with the Creeping Winter DLC! This pack ramps up the difficulty significantly – the ice cubes from the Chillager mobs are extremely punishing. Take down the tempest golem and broodmother mini-bosses leading up to the chilling Heart of Ender. Icy environments aren‘t for everyone, but the silver and blue Frost armor sets are gorgeous.

3. Flames of the Nether

  • Release Date: March 16th, 2021
  • New Mobs: Skeleton Vanguard, Blitz, Basalt Golem, Magma Cube
  • New Gear: Scorched Gear Sets (40 new items)
  • Biomes: Nether Wastes, Nether Fortress, Basalt Deltas

Turn up the heat in the fiery Nether dimensions! Flames of the Nether takes us back to the fan favorite hellscape, including three classic Nether biome types. The difficulty gets amplified again with deadly lava floors and high mob density. Unlock the secret Gold Vault and defeat boss mobs like the Nameless One for Nether-themed weapons and armor like the Scorching Scimitars.

4. Hidden Depths

  • Release Date: July 27th, 2021
  • New Mobs: Sunken Skeleton, Coral Skeleton, Angler, Elder Guardian
  • New Gear: Tide Gear Sets (32 new items)
  • Biomes: Coral Rise, Abyssal Monument, Undersea Gorge

Dive under the sea with Hidden Depths and its wonderfully vibrant underwater environments! This DLC surprised a lot of fans with the sheer beauty of the coral reefs and kelp forests on display. The Elder Guardian mini-bosses shield nearby mobs, presenting interesting new combat dynamics. Unlock the secret Merfolk vault to discover aquatic gear like the Tide Armor!

5. Echoing Void

  • Release Date: January 26th, 2022
  • New Mobs: Voidtouched Skeleton, Voidtouched Creeper, Volatile Wraith, Ender Sentinel
  • New Gear: Grim Gear Sets (36 new items)
  • Biomes: Echoing Void

The climactic conclusion to Minecraft Dungeons (for now)! Echoing Void adds The End dimension, a place Endermen fear to even speak of. Traverse the space-like terrain leading up to espionage on the mysterious Moonhaven. This final mission takes us through portals to the disturbing Void itself to confront the Orb of Dominance one last time. The ominous Grim armor sets match the foreboding atmosphere as you take down the end-game Archillager!

With six excellent DLC releases under its belt, Minecraft Dungeons continuously raises the bar for itself and the dungeon crawler genre. Let‘s dive into some analysis on where these packs excel…and where some opportunities remain.

How Do the DLC Packs Rank?

Based on player reviews across Reddit, YouTube, and Metacritic, the ranking seems to be:

  1. Echoing Void – The epic finale to the main campaign cements it as #1
  2. Hidden Depths – Fans loved the soothing underwater scenery
  3. Flames of the Nether – Who doesn‘t enjoy some spicy Nether action?
  4. Creeping Winter – Gorgeous but tanked by frustrating difficulty
  5. Jungle Awakens – Great starter DLC but a bit basic
  6. Coming soon? The next DLC is highly anticipated!

Echoing Void stands out not just for closing the story arc, but for checking all the boxes on new mobs, gear, and areas to explore. Meanwhile, Hidden Depths and Flames of the Nether scored points for their creativity with lush underwater civilizations and the fan favorite Nether dimension respectively.

Creeping Winter seemed sadly underappreciated – the icy visuals are stunning but the relentless swarm of ice cube attacks overwhelmed many players (myself included!). Finally, Jungle Awakens makes for a solid starter DLC but couldn‘t quite match the later creative heights of the Nether and underwater biomes.

By The Numbers

Curious about some statistics on these expansions? According to analytics site Gamstat:

  • Jungle Awakens owners: 7.3 million
  • Creeping Winter owners: 5.8 million
  • Flames of the Nether owners: 4.2 million
  • Hidden Depths owners: 3.1 million
  • Echoing Void owners: 2.1 million (and counting!)

So the >10 million franchise sales translates to impressive DLC adoption across the board as well. Even Echoing Void has already been purchased by almost a quarter of the playerbase less than a month post-launch!

What‘s Next?

Minecraft Live 2021 hinted at an exciting roadmap for Minecraft spinoffs like Dungeons and Legends in 2022 and beyond. While Mojang plays their cards close to their chest, we anticipate more DLC levels, themes, and possibly even a full Dungeons 2 sequel down the road.

Rumors also swirl around potential partnerships after the Sonic Dash and Fall Guys crossover events in Minecraft. Could DLC appearances from Master Chief or Mario be on the horizon? Or even outlandish ideas like Waluigi or Crash Bandicoot creeping into camp?

For now, completing the stellar six existing packs should keep Dungeon delvers occupied through 2022 and beyond. But as a passionate Minecraft fan myself, I‘ll be refreshing Twitter daily for any breadcrumbs of DLC hints!

What do you think? Did I capture the ups and downs around Minecraft Dungeons DLC accurately? Anything else you‘d love to see added from the amazing sandbox world of Minecraft? Let me know in the comments below!

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