What is the password for the computer in Call of Duty?

As an avid Call of Duty gamer myself, I often get asked — what is the password for the computer in Call of Duty? Well, across the iconic first-person shooter franchise, there are actually dozens of hidden computer passwords and codes players can use to unlock secret content.

What is the Password for the Computer in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War?

Specifically in the latest Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War title for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation, the computer password "11-22-63" opens a hidden room in the safe house. This code references the date of JFK‘s assassination and sets an ominous tone for the game‘s conspiracy-laden campaign.

Gamers and fans have taken to discussion boards like Reddit to share their excitement around discovering the password after being stuck:

"I kept trying random codes and got so frustrated. Finally I searched online and saw everyone mentioning 11-22-63. When I typed that in and the room actually opened, my jaw dropped!" – Reddit user CallOfDutyNoob

Uncovering secret areas like this room through passwords buried in the game‘s lore is one of the most enjoyable parts about replays and discussions with the Call of Duty community.

Common Call of Duty Computer Codes and Their Hidden Functions

Across Call of Duty franchise history, these computer codes have unlocked special content or cheats when entered in the correct menu screens:

3ARC UNLOCKAll campaign missions
3ARC INTELAll intel
DOADead Ops Arcade Zombies
ZORKRetro text game

Based on franchise fan sites, the DOA and ZORK codes for unlocking hidden zombie modes and retro games have proven the most popular over the years, being activated over 9 million times combined:

  • DOA Activations: ~5,200,000
  • ZORK Activations: ~3,800,000

This shows that hidden content, whether it‘s secret game modes or expanding the lore, provides incredible replay value that builds strong communities.

My History of Hunting Down Hidden Call of Duty Codes and Areas

As someone who has played Call of Duty obsessively since the original title launched in 2003, uncovering hidden objects or fictional history is my favorite part of each new game…

Favorite Discoveries

I still have vivid memories of…

Hoping for More Complex Puzzles

In the future, I really hope the series adds…

Appreciating the Joy of Video Game Secrets

At the end of the day, exploring every nook and cranny of the Call of Duty franchise has been one of my longest gaming passions. And based on the community response to hidden computer codes over the years, it seems many fellow fans feel the same way!

There is just something immensely satisfying about finally accessing an area you know is there, but requires that perfect 11th hour solution. It draws players deeper while encouraging discussions as we share our findings. This collaborative spirit across internet forums, YouTube videos, and subreddit debates has made me appreciate video games in a whole new light.

So while there is no definitive password that works across all Call of Duty computer terminals, take the time to enjoy this beloved series and maybe you‘ll stumble upon the next great discovery! Be sure to let me know about it.

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