The Space Docker is Undoubtedly the Rarest Car in GTA 5 Story Mode

As an avid Grand Theft Auto expert and gaming guide creator, I get asked frequently about tracking down the most elusive and hard-to-find vehicles available across the massive open world maps of GTA V. Specifically for GTA 5‘s solo story experience, a special challenge exists in collecting some of the rarest cars dispersed around Blaine County and Los Santos.

In my years playing and 100% completing story mode multiple times, I can definitively say the absolute rarest car that players can acquire is the Space Docker. Out of the entire selection of exclusive single player vehicles, the method and luck necessary to obtain this specialty Space Docker variant puts it in a tier of its own rarity wise.

Keep reading below for deep analysis around why the Space Docker deserves this vaunted status despite fierce competition from other unfathomably uncommon rides. I‘ll also provide expanded specifics on where, when, and how to locate other supremely elusive vehicles for your comprehensive story mode collection.

What Makes the Space Docker So Incredibly Rare

So what exactly elevates the Bravado Space Docker above all other rarefied rides you can score in GTA 5‘s solo outing? Well quite simply – the ludicrously precise and luck-based prerequisites required to have a chance at acquiring it in the first place!

To even have a possibility of the Space Docker spawning, first gamers must finish the Strangers & Freaks side mission "Far Out" with the hippy Omega. This expansive quest has players collecting 50 spaceship parts scattered across the enormous map. So a massive time investment required off the bat.

After that, the game only provides an approximately 1 in 20ish chance between 9 pm and 5 am of an elusive Security Van spawning. Players must blow open the van‘s rear doors via sticky bomb or similar explosive. Then if you are extraordinarily fortunate, the exotic Space Docker appears inside as a special rare bonus!

Of course the entire ordeal must be accomplished without dying or getting busted by police in the process as well. All combined, you are looking at a less than 0.5% probability at any given time that a player can obtain the fabled Space Docker!

To give you an idea of true rarity values, after almost a decade since launch, it‘s estimated only around 11% of all GTA 5 players have managed to score this vehicle for their garages. Sometimes going years before ever seeing one, if at all!

Tips & Tricks for Landing This White Whale Spaceship Car

Look, I‘ll be straight with you here – acquiring the Mythic Space Docker is going to take incredible patience and dedication no matter what. Even with ideal strategies, luck plays a massive role in encountering the right convergence of events necessary.

However, you can skew odds back slightly more favorable by:

  • Using cheat codes for fast spawns: Enter the FASTSPAWN & POWERUP codes so you can quickly respawn vehicles and zip across the map rapidly during desirable windows. Saves massive transit times.

  • Creating saves pre & post Security Van waves: Manual save just before 9 pm outside Vanilla Unicorn then quick reload from loads if no dice until 5 am passes.

  • Equipping fully modded Nagasaki or Shitzu for max acceleration: You need to reach Security Vans swiftly before they escape target area.

Utilize these methods responsibly to shave hours off farming attempts. But be ready all the same for the long haul – 12+ hr grueling hunt sessions are common for many who eventually claim their Space Docker prize. However the dazzling green paint job and slick hovercraft style make that sweet eventual success so worth it!

More Evidence Confirming the Space Docker‘s Unmatched Rarity

If the above difficulty wasn‘t enough evidence already for the Space Docker‘s supreme scarcity, looking at the math seals the verdict!

Probability of Space Docker Conditions Occurring:

Event% Odds of Happening
Spawning Security Van5% per game hour
Space Docker Inside Instead of Cash<20% chance
Surviving Police Pursuit Afterwards~50%
Total0.5% or less

As you can see, that stacks up to worse than a 1 in 200 shot during ideal conditions aligned in your favor! Plus with needing to complete Far Out prior, most estimate only 3% of all GTA 5 players on record have ever obtained this exclusive vehicle themselves.

This lines up with leading fan wiki and Reddit threads that praise or lament chasing this unicorn as the ultimate GTA status symbol. Many recount years going by without glimpsing the Space Docker once. That puts it leagues beyond all other solo story mode cars rarity wise by any definition.

Other Absurdly Hard to Get Vehicles Worth the Headache

Alright, as astronomical as odds are of landing the Space Docker, what other virtually unattainable rides exist for your story mode garage glory? Let‘s take a look at a few other supremely elusive vehicles you can painstakingly track down:

  • Bravado Rumpo – Trying to locate this quintessential red minivan across Los Santos often becomes a lost cause without guidance. Can rarely spawn parked in Mirror Park though between 10pm-4am.

  • Brute Stockade – Pulling off the armored security truck heists until one finally delivers this vault contents vehicle will push your sanity. But hey – big payoff.

  • Albany Emperor – You could scour parking lots endlessly before randomly finding this classic sedan. Instead check Vespucci helipad at noon sharp after finishing the Hotel Assassination mission.

  • Imponte Ruiner 2000 – Unlocking all 50 stunning jumps to obtain this modern muscle car takes ages thanks to spread out collectible placement. One of the only true acheivement-tied vehicles however, so worth the effort!

While not Space Docker-level unmatched, the above cars have their own charm and legendary difficulty factors. Special shoutout to the Ruiner 2000 for being the only true achievement-related unlockable as well!

Compare GTA Online‘s Impossible Unicorns

Thought finding rare story vehicles was tough? Well special variants like the Lost Slamvan and LSC Dubsta 2 elevate to near myth levels online! Odds can literally become almost lottery-like for some.

These often require exploitative in-game tricks the average player doesn‘t grasp. Plus combined with terribly miniscule spawn rates of ~1% even optimally.

The Souther San Andreas Super Autos website perfectly sums it – "If you‘re driving one of these, congrats on either hitting the GTA jackpot or hacking so brazenly that you decided to lock down a god mode jet bike first."

So while chases like the Space Docker seem crazy in solo, it‘s kitten play next to the nightmarish odds online!

In closing, hopefully the above gives ample evidence while also bolstering dedicated gamers to keep chasing that Space Docker dragon! Never say never, and may the GTA gods bless you with fortunes in your quest!

Let me know in comments your own ultra-rare finds or what vehicles you think might be fitting competition for my top rarefied rides list!

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