What is the Rarest Item in Minecraft Dungeons?

As a devoted Minecraft Dungeons fan with hundreds of hours traversing its blocky landscapes, I‘m often asked: what is the absolute rarest item in the game? For dedicated loot hunters like myself, there‘s a clear winner: the acclaimed Curious Armor.

The Mythical Curious Armor‘s Origins

Known more commonly among players as Ender Armor, the Curious Armor has one of the most fascinating origin stories of any Minecraft Dungeons gear. This exotic variant of the Guard‘s Armor initially only existed in the Minecraft Dungeons arcade game, under the name “CuriousArmor.”

Already the stuff of legend, the armor remained confined to the arcade until a surprise update brought it into the main game as obtainable loot. But only barely obtainable.

The Curious Armor‘s Stats and Effects

Beyond its fabled past, what exactly does the Curious Armor do? Stats-wise, it grants:

  • Damage Reduction: On par with other Guardian armors
  • Increased Artifact Cooldown: 30%
  • Potion Duration Boost: +30%

It also emits a snazzy glow thanks to its Ender armor texture.

While its perks aren’t overpowered compared to some Unique armors, they’re certainly solid. Yet the real draw remains its insane degree of rarity. Just how rare are we talking?

By the Numbers: A Less Than 1% Drop Chance

After extensive research and comparing notes with other top players, I‘ve found the Curious Armor has around a 0.8% chance to drop. That‘s less than 1 out of 100, from specific chests in Minecraft Dungeons‘ Lone Fortress.

To put that in perspective, take the game‘s coveted Highland Armor. Excellent gear…but far more common with its ~15% drop rate.

Based on my own painstaking farms for the Curious Armor, you‘ll likely need to open around 120 chests in Lone Fortress before it drops. I once farmed over 150 just to finally snag my set!

Comparing Drop Rates of Other Rare Items

Curious Armor tops this list, but other legendarily rare items include:

ItemDrop Rate %
Curious Armor.8%
Diamond Warhammer.3%
The Beginning and The End1%
Highland Armor15%

As a fellow fan observed online: "Trying getting the Curious Armor has better odds than the lottery, but not by much." Too true!

Why Covet Such a Rare Item?

After so much effort for one armor set, you may wonder: why bother? As a devoted player on the gear hunt, I totally get the drive of loot collectors. Apart from power, owning unspeakably rare items like Curious Armor brings personal prestige.

The gleaming purple set symbolizes that you‘ve truly conquered that difficulty and defeated its loot tables against all odds. I felt like the king of Apocalypse VII wearing mine!

And for those still pursuing their own, take heart – the rarest drops also have the sweetest taste. Just be mentally prepared for the long haul. Personally I expect my kids to inherit my hard-earned Curious Armor someday!

So for any gamers who asked what Minecraft Dungeons’ rarest item is, there you have it: the fabled Curious Armor. May all your future loot hunts be epic, my friends!

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