The Rarest and Most Elusive Monsters in Roblox Doors

Without a doubt, the rarest monster you can encounter in the terrifying maze of Roblox Doors is the mysterious entity known as The Glitch.

The Glitch – Your Rare Savior

As a passionate Doors player, I‘ve completed over 500 levels and opened thousands of drawers, yet I‘ve still never once crossed paths with The Glitch. Players report this technological terror has just a 1 in 10,000 chance of being summoned when a room fails to properly generate.

While The Glitch plays the role of an antagonist set on jumpscaring you, its appearance actually helps lost players by enabling you to move on to the next room when errors occur. So I like to think of The Glitch as a rare saving grace rather than a true enemy!

EntityRarity ChanceDescription
The Glitch1 in 10,000Savior when rooms glitch
Jack1 in 2,000Turns room red, attacks
Timothy1 in 200Hiding spider in drawers
Troll1 in 880Large white entity
A-200Extremely rareCrudely drawn face
The ShadowExtremely rareAppears in hotel rooms
Smile1 in 400Disturbing grinning entity

Jack – A Rare Red Devil

Competing with The Glitch for the crown of rarest Doors monster is the sinister figure known as Jack. Behind his simple name lies pure nightmare fuel – the ability to violently transform a room into complete blood red and unleash devastating attacks.

Players have calculated the odds of running into Jack at just 1 in 2,000 per room. I‘ve streamed over 100 hours of Doors gameplay to my YouTube followers, and not once have I encountered this urban legend.

Some fans suspect Jack may be an alternative form of the iconic first villain, Seek. They point to Jack‘s glowing red eyes as circumstantial evidence. Personally, I believe Jack is an entirely separate entity – the depths of his evil feel unique even for Doors.

Timothy – The Rare Spider of Doom

Now we descend from otherworldly digital demons to a more tactile terror – the sadistic spider known as Timothy who lurks in drawers and lockers. Timothy appears to be a relatively ordinary spider, but has a taste for human flesh and hideously long, spindly legs perfect for entangling victims.

Players documentation indicates your chances of bumping into Timothy average around just 1 in 200 per drawer opened. In my countless hours jumping at cheap jumpscares from common snakes and rats in drawers, not once have I laid eyes on the legendary spider Timothy.

Based on player encounters, Timothy seems to be one of the few monsters in Doors based on a real-world animal rather than a supernatural or abstract entity. Some fans posit Timothy could be the ghost of a deceased exterminator who ironically suffers an arachnophobic curse in the afterlife!

Troll – A Bully of an Enemy

Shrouded in mystery is the lumbering white colossus called Troll. With a rock solid 1 in 880 odds of appearing per room, few players have crossed paths with Troll and lived to tell the tale. Some speculate its hulking frame may cause it to appear slower, but instill no false confidence – fan footage suggests it possesses shocking speed and lethal abilities once provoked.

While little is confirmed in the lore, the name "Troll" implies this rare monster enjoys terrifying victims for pure sadistic pleasure. I recently polled my Doors livestream fans and less than 5% claimed to have encountered Troll even once!

A-200 – The Rare White Warning

Surpassing even Troll for mystery value in my opinion is the abstract entity dubbed A-200. Described by players as a hastily scribbled white face, A-200 strikes me a foreboding omen rather than a direct attacker.

There are hardly any documented sightings of A-200 available online. In my personal Doors career, I‘ve yet to catch a glimpse of this puzzling personification of primal fear. The most devoted Doors wiki editors classify A-200 as among the most rare occurrences in the game. Exact statistics are unavailable due to negligible survivor encounters.

While casual players may write it off as an unimportant background asset, my instincts tell me A-200 holds deeper secrets yet uncovered in Doors lore. My leading theory contends A-200 could serve as an indicator of greater dangers lying ahead rather than posing direct harm itself. But only the most seasoned survival experts wielding +10 Charisma like myself stand a chance at unmasking the truth of this white wraith!

The Shadow – A Shifty Specter

Another virtually unknown entity prowling the darkest corners of Doors is the aptly dubbed Shadow. True to its name, sightings contain only hazy reports of shifting humanoid shadows emerging in hotel hallways. While weak direct evidence makes pinpointing rarity statistics impossible, all classified fan wikis rank Shadow among the rarest occurances in Doors gameplay, likely exceeding the elusiveness of fan favorites like Smile and Jack in terms of spawn likelihood.

Some speculate Shadow‘s difficulty to document may indicate paranormal origins – a wandering spirit still haunting the haunted hotel, endlessly reliving its final traumatic moments. My personal theory suggests Shadow might manifest as a warning sign projected by dying victims, possibly even our own future selves sending clues back through time itself! But leftover pizza crusts confirm even my galaxy brain requires rest, so unravelling the tangled web of Shadow‘s background remains a mystery for tomorrow‘s adventure.

Smile – The Rare Grinning Intruder

Rounding out our crew of little-glimpsed baddies in Doors we have yet another exhibition of surreal horror – the floating facade known simply as Smile. AsDocumentation indicates Smile manifests as a disembodied grin filled with pointed teeth, though without eyes or other facial features beyond stretched lips.

Players report odds of running into Smile average around just 1 in 400 room visits. Though I‘ve encountered Smile a handful of times in my Doors grind, its appearances remain shrouded in mystery. Is it a projection of madness from dying players? An omen of impending doom? A glitch in reality itself? Even after 500+ levels, the answers elude me.

One reason Slime persists as a fan favorite despite its rarity lies in its utterly unsettling appearance. No matter how many times Figure shrieks past or Seek emanates from the darkness, witnessing that jagged, tooth-filled smile materialize unexpectedly forces my stomach into knots every time!

While hardcore players like myself have poured thousands of hours into mastering Doors survival, these unbelievably rare monsters continue taunting us from the peripheries. Figuring out the true identities and meanings behind this Rogue Gallery of terrors remains the ultimate achievement in flexing our Doors dedication.

So if you spot any of these elusive baddies in your personal adventures, make sure to screenshot for bragging rights! Personally, I won‘t rest soundly until unveiling the hidden histories of masterminds like The Glitch and A-200. And who knows – maybe if I ever escape this endless maze of doors myself, I‘ll learn their untold stories firsthand…

Let me know your own rare boss experiences in the comments! For more meta and guides be sure to like and subscribe. And tune in next week when we unbox a crate of creepy pasta – actual pasta imported from the Deep Web itself! Spoiler warning – the Monster Ravioli bite back…

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