The Rarest Thing in No Man‘s Sky – Exotic Ships & Where to Find Them

Over five years since launch, exotic ships, especially the biological squid ship, remain the rarest coveted finds in No Man‘s Sky. With spawn chances estimated under 2%, exotic ships stand out from conventional ships with their unusual, distinctive aesthetics and upgraded core stats. Of all the bizarre, alien-esque ships, the rarest discovery is the iconic squid ship.

Key Traits of Exotic Ships

Exotic ships, living ships included, have the following characteristics that contribute to their rarity:

  • Extremely low spawn rates – Estimated 1-2% chance to appear in wealthy systems
  • Limited inventory space – Typically max out at 20 slots
  • Exceptional core bonuses – Get boosted damage and hyperdrive range
  • Unique, bizarre aesthetic designs – Strange shapes like squids, spheres, insects etc.

The combination of power, scarcity, and alien styling puts exotic ships in very high demand. Here‘s a comparison table highlighting the key differences versus conventional shuttles, fighters, haulers etc.:

Ship TypeMax SlotsDamageShieldHyperdriveCostRarity

Of all exotic ship classifications, the rarest design is the squid ship aka "Squid Exotic" which looks like a tiny UFO with a mantle and tentacles on the rear. Less than 1 in 100 exotic ships encountered are squids based on community reports.

Example Images of Exotic Ship Types

Example exotic ship designs

Unusual organic and mechanical exotic ship styles – the golden vector ship on the right is incredibly rare

Hunting for Your Own Squid Ship

Squid ships demand a premium not just due to looks, but also having excellent bonuses befitting an S-Class exotic. For best odds at finding one, follow these tips from fellow travelers:

  • Search wealthy, high economy systems – Exotics appear more frequently here
  • Camp at a space station or trade post – Wait for that magical 1-2% to pay off
  • Have patience – Some have waited 8+ hours before one showed up!
  • Join hunter groups – Coordinate to share discovered locations

Note multiple players can claim the same squid ship found at a site. Outside of sheer luck, joining public hunter groups is your best bet at grabbing that coveted squid ship for yourself!

Other Rare Discoveries Out There

Some other rare planets, lifeforms and items you can uncover in this near infinite procedurally generated universe:

Rare Exotic Planet Types

  • Mega exotic planets – Crazy colors and rock formations
  • Chromatic fog planets – Permanent haze atmosphere
  • Ringed planets – Visible planetary rings

Mega exotic worlds are a rare classification of exotic planets characterized by unusual color palettes, biological structures, pillars, tentacles and more oddities. Chromatic planets always have a misty fog covers the landscape in striking colors. Visible ring systems around planets used to be glitchy pre-Origins, but can now appear naturally.

Mythical Creatures & Diplos

  • Mythical creatures – Procedurally generated animals
  • Diplo species – Tall 2-legged passive creatures

Mythical creatures exhibit random animal traits mashed together. For example, having the head of a rhino, wings of a bat, tail of a scorpion. Meanwhile diplo species stand over 8 meters tall on average with long necks – they are gentle herbivores.

Rare Underwater Finds

  • Underwater ruins – Usually ruins spawn on land
  • Sunken freighters – Contain rare rewards

Given most ruins spawn above ground, occasionally finding ruins submerged in oceans or underground in caves qualifies as a pleasant surprise for explorers. Scanning sunken freighters also provides the rarest freighter expansion modules you can‘t easily acquire elsewhere.

Extremely Rare One-Time Discoveries*

  • New creatures/plants to scan for first documentation
  • Undiscovered star systems & planets
  • Uncharted black holes/wormholes

According to No Man‘s Sky creator Sean Murray, only 10% of this vast universe has been discovered by players as of September 2022. With over 5 million concurrent players as of Expeditions, the chance of discovering and naming something completely new is still a very real possibility today. Be the first brave explorer to uncover an uncharted star system and immortalize it!

*Presumptive based on total players vs theoretical scope of NMS universe

Final Tips on Your Journey

Hopefully this gives you a detailed overview on why exotic ships dominate as the rarest coveted items in No Man‘s Sky currently – especially the iconic squid ship with its biological design.

And if you don‘t care about rarity but want upgrades and storage slots, grabbing S-Class haulers or fighters is certainly a viable path too! Maximizing hyperdrive bonuses lets you jump farther to uncover more hidden gem planets awaiting discovery regardless.

Most importantly, progress at your own pace, getting immersed in this procedurally generated universe brimming with surprises. After all the magic of No Man‘s Sky is always the mystery just over the unexplored horizon, not the reward itself.

So buckle up traveler, and may your search uncover not just rare ships, but enjoyment and connection as well in this game of limitless exploration potential with friends!

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