Snowy Villages – The Rarest of Them All

As a passionate Minecraft gamer and village connoisseur, I can definitively say the rarest village type is the snowy village. Generated in ice plains and cold taiga biomes, these icy settlements have uniquely snowbound architecture and villagers perfectly adapted to the harsh conditions.

A snowy village

In my adventures across millions of Minecraft blocks, I‘ve discovered less than a handful of snowy villages. So for this guide, I wanted to bundle everything known about these ultra-rare villages – from generation odds to cool examples across epic seeds…

All About Snowy Villages

Snowy villages feature icy igloos, snow buildings, and specialized mobs adapted to the cold…


  • Spawn in ice plains and cold taigas biomes
  • Village size between 32-96 blocks
  • 2% chance to generate an igloo basement with brewing stand


  • Made from snow, packed ice and blue ice
  • Matching glass panes and cyan banners
  • Generates igloos that blend into terrain

Mobs That Spawn:

  • Snowy villagers in blue robes fit for the arctic
  • High rates of snow golems guards
  • Strays spawn at night instead of normal skeletons

So in summary – the snow and ice themed design, rare icy biomes and unique mobs come together to make snowy villages incredibly uncommon!

One in a Million: Generation Frequency

Snowy villages stand out as rarest due to low generation rates:

Village TypeBiomes To GenerateGeneration Rate
SnowyIce Plains, Cold Taiga1/100 villages
DesertDesert, Desert Hills1/10 villages
SavannaSavanna, Savanna Plateau1/10 villages
JungleJungles, Bamboo Jungle1/20 villages

With snowy villages 100x rarer than other rare types, finding one takes tremendous luck!

Personal Tip: I search ice spike biomes when hunting for snowy villages due to nearby cold taigas!

Rare Structure: Igloos

These small ice domes sometimes generate with a secret basement, holding a brewing stand left by a lost civilization…

An igloo basement

Alongside villages, igloos imply an ancient snowy culture now lost to time – perhaps the ancestors of snowy villagers! This rare structure adds to the mystery.

Seed With Igloo Village: 80918403560499825

This epic seed spawns next to a snowy village and igloo for a double arctic bonus!

More Extremely Rare Village Types

Beyond snowy, here are other ultra-rare village flavors to seek out…

Jungle Villages

Appearing in dense jungle biomes, these have a 1 in 20 chance to generate:

Jungle village


  • Jungle wood buildings on grass or bamboo jungle floors
  • Ocelots, parrots and pandas wander around
  • Villagers have standard skin instead of biome-specific

Seed: -1013382714437321718

Spawns by a jungle village perfect for based building!

Badlands Villages

Badlands villages built into red rock clay are equally rare:


  • Eroded badlands with terracotta and no grass
  • Adapted badlands villager skin
  • Matching terracotta build palette

Seed: 73500947

So while snowy villages take the top spot, keep an eye out for jungle and badlands when exploring as well!

Personal Thoughts as Minecraft Expert

After spending countless hours uncovering rare villages, here are my hot takes:

Favorite Type: Snowy! I love the striking colors against snow, cool mobs and lootable igloos most.

Best for Survival: Jungle villages! Enchanted books via jungle temples, melons, bamboo – so many useful items closeby.

Coolest Oddity: Floating water villages blow my mind! The fact an ocean monument can intersect to create these makes for incredible sights…

Let me know your own rare village stories in the comments! I could talk about these fascinating structures all day. Finding your first snowy village is a Xbox Achievement-worthy moment!

So stay warm, bring a shovel, and happy rare village hunting my friends! Just beware attacking polar bears along the journey…

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