What is the Rate of Getting a Shiny Shadow Pokémon?

As an avid Pokémon GO player and content creator, I am often asked about the elusive shiny shadow Pokémon. Based on extensive research from the experts at The Silph Road, I can conclusively state that the estimated shiny rate for Rocket Leaders‘ shadow Pokémon is approximately 1 in 60. This translates to around a 1.67% chance of catching a shiny shadow with each Rocket Leader encounter.

Breaking Down the 1 in 60 Shiny Rate

While still rare, this shiny rate is nearly 3 times more common than wild shinies in Pokémon GO, which have a base rate of 1 in 500. The 1 in 60 threshold specifically applies to the first and second Pokémon used by GO Rocket Leaders – Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra. Analysis of empirical data from over 100,000 Rocket Leader battles led researchers to estimate the 1 in 60 shiny rate.

Shiny Shadow Odds for Giovanni & Purified Pokémon

While Rocket Leaders have boosted shiny rates, Giovanni‘s shadow legendaries have the standard 1 in 20 shiny rate. Additionally, purifying a shiny shadow does not alter its shininess.

Cumulative Probability Analysis

I crunched some numbers to analyze cumulative shiny odds across multiple Rocket Leader battles:

BattlesOdds of ≥ 1 ShinyOdds of ≥ 2 ShiniesOdds of ≥ 3 Shinies

Final Tips on Hunting Shinies

Patience and persistence are key when shiny hunting. Use pinap berries to maximize candy from your catches, allowing immediate evolution to celebrate big catches. Trading shiny shadows builds lucky chance too.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Time to get back out there hunting.

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