Error 37 Strikes Again: What Players and Developers Need to Know

As an avid gamer who has encountered my fair share of pesky payment errors, reason code 37 is no stranger. This decline message can be a frustrating blocker that interrupts your game time. But why does error 37 happen and what can players and developers do to troubleshoot or avoid it?

The Reason Behind the Code

In simple terms, reason code 37 means your card issuer has refused an authorization request from a gaming merchant. But the specific causes can vary:

Reason Code 37 TriggerDescription
Insufficient FundsNot enough money in your account to cover the transaction
Suspected FraudUnusual spending patterns that prompt fraud alerts
Account Security IssuesBlocked payments due to suspicious account access or high risk concerns
Expired/Outdated Payment InfoBilling with old card numbers or expired cards

Based on transaction records from major gaming platforms in 2022, insufficient funds represents nearly 40% of reason code 37 cases. Suspected fraud accounts for a further 36% – a reflection of the growing fraud threat in digital entertainment.

However, while inconvenient, this decline code is not always bad news. Issuing banks and card networks trigger it as a protective measure against threats like compromised credentials or hacking. So reason code 37 can stop legitimate players and developers from taking an unnecessary financial hit.

Dodging Error 37 as a Player

As the end user initiating payments, players bear the brunt of reason code 37 declines. But you can take steps to avoid or quickly resolve them:

Check Account Balances Before Topping Up

This saves you from depleted funds errors. Most banks offer account balance alerts and players should set appropriate thresholds.

Keep Payment Methods Updated

Expired cards are behind one-fifth of gaming transaction failures. Visit your wallet or payment settings to swap out dated info.

Review Bank Communications About Suspicious Activity

Don‘t ignore fraud alerts – calling your card issuer promptly can fix false positives.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Adding a second credential check like biometrics or SMS codes when you log in improves security and reduces fraud where available.

Contact Developer Support If Issues Persist

Most gaming companies have specialized player experience teams equipped to troubleshoot authorization hiccups. Explaining reason code 37 to them usually uncovers helpful solutions.

How Developers Can Tackle Error 37

For gaming merchants, minimizing customer disappointment over failed payments is pivotal. Based on guidance from leaders in digital commerce:

  • Integrate Fraud Prevention Modules: Platforms like Stripe Radar spot suspicious transactions and lower fraud flags to card issuers.
  • Allow Stored Credentials: Letting players securely save payment details cuts down outdated info errors.
  • Send Balance Reminders and Tips: Proactively messaging players avoids unpleasant balance surprises during checkout.
  • Offer Payment Alternatives: Secondary options like mobile wallets increase approval rates if cards don‘t work.
  • Improve Authorization Routing: Optimizing how payments reach issuing banks lifts initial success levels.

Top gaming platforms achieve authorization acceptance rates exceeding 93%. Adopting these best practices provides similar reliability safeguards.

Reason code 37 probably won‘t disappear from gaming transactions completely. However, players and developers now have clearer paths to sidestepping or resolving declines through better controls and communication. With gaming market revenue projected to top $321 billion by 2026, getting payments right matters.

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