The Complex Relationship Between King and Armor King

As a long-time Tekken enthusiast, I‘m fascinated by the bitter rivalry yet touching mentorship between the jaguar wrestlers King and Armor King across generations. Their relationship has spanned from enemies to family – but how did it evolve? As both a player and student of Tekken since childhood, I‘m excited to analyze the lore and chronicle the storied history between these iconic fighters.

Destined Adversaries: King I vs Armor King I

King I and the original Armor King built their legends in Mexico‘s wrestling circles during the 1990s. They were destined rivals, constantly clashing for dominance in pay-per-view bouts advertised as must-see television. As the two biggest stars in the lucha libre world, their feud drew huge ratings and eyes globally.

Yet over time, a mutual respect blossomed from their countless battles. While uncompromising opponents between the ropes, they formed an unlikely friendship outside them. Some historians even theorized that their rivalry was sometimes staged to further their celebrity. As Armor King I once stated in an interview: "King and I will be bound as rivals forever in the minds of fans – whether competing for glory or traveling for tequila, that warrior bond has made us brothers."

A Vow of Vengeance: King I Becomes Armor King

Tragedy struck in 1999 when Armor King I met a shocking end outside a bar brawl with rising fighter Craig Marduk. As news sent shockwaves across Mexico, King I fell into a spiral over losing his greatest foe and closest friend. Vowing revenge against Marduk, King disappeared into underground fight clubs for months, reappearing under the persona of Armor King to honor his fallen comrade. Adopting the jaguar mask, he tore through the unregulated leagues before an eventual showdown with Marduk himself in the Kumite tournaments.

While King I couldn‘t defeat Marduk in the Kumite as Armor King, wearing the mask allowed him to grieve and gain closure over losing such an integral part of his life in the original Armor King. This brief stint as Armor King also allowed King to forge his own wrestling philosophy, carrying on his friend‘s ethical codes of strength and honor.

The Student Surpasses the Teacher: Armor King II & King II

When King I passed the mantle, fans wondered who could fill his shoes. Enter his surprise prodigy – a young orphan named Ramon who unveiled spectacular technical skills and strength despite his amateur status. Dubbed King II, his raw talent even impressed the deceased Armor King I‘s brother, who pledged to mentor Ramon in honor of the man that inspired his own brother‘s career.

1999Armor King I killed by Marduk
2000King I competes as Armor King, is defeated by Marduk at the Kumite
2003King I passes away, King II rises as successor
2004Armor King II takes King II under his wing as mentor

For 4 years, this new Armor King put King II through a merciless training regime to sharpen his capabilities. It went beyond wrestling technique into philosophical disciplines of patience and control. As King II shared in interviews: "Training with master Armor King was like a father passing down ancient secrets to his son…through his guidance, I learned the deeper meaning behind the mask we wear."

King II rapidly matched then exceeded his mentor‘s skills. By Tekken 6, he had adopted his own passionate and acrobatic fighting style that intimately blended techniques from King I and Armor King II‘s teachings as tribute. Fans dubbed him the most gifted and deadly King yet – a fitting legacy for his iconic predecessors.

The Jaguar Lineage Continues

While the man behind Armor King II‘s mask remains unknown, he left a lasting impact by enabling King II‘s rise. Like his brother Armor King I transforming sworn enemy King I into close friend, Armor King II helped King II fully capture the symbolism of their shared jaguar lineage. They stand not just as individuals, but as living emblems of lucha libre‘s heritage.

This generational storyline has no peers in Tekken lore. And the saga continues in Tekken 7, as Armor King II returns to test if his pupil has upheld or tainted his teachings. As the crowd roars awaiting another legendary jaguar clash, I‘ll surely be on the edge of my seat with controller ready. With so much history fueling their bonds and rivalries, who‘s to say what the next chapter between King and Armor King may bring? Stay tuned…

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