What is the Reliable Partner in Pokemon?

Hey fellow Pokemon trainers! As you know, one of the most coveted designations you can earn for your battle companion in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is the "Reliable Partner" mark. But what exactly does it mean and how rare is this special sign of your bond? Read on for the full scoop so you can better understand this unique accolade.

Defining the Reliable Partner

Simply put, the Reliable Partner title is a display of the friendship level and shared journey between a Pokemon and trainer. When your favorite fighting partner reaches 200+ friendship points and has walked over 10,000 steps with you, it unlocks a random 1 in 100 chance each additional 10k for the designation to appear.

So unlike shinies that depend on chance alone, the Reliable Partner also requires active effort spent together adventuring. It shows not just luck, but the care, experiences and memories you‘ve accumulated with your Pokemon. When you see this mark, you know that Pokemon has gone through a lot with its trainer!

How to Earn This Special Mark

As expert players like myself can attest, obtaining the Reliable Partner title takes patience and dedication. But the payoff is worth it! Here are the basic steps:

  • Play with and feed your Pokemon gifts often to quickly build friendship level. Camping, battling, PokeToys and rare candies are great ways to bond.
  • Have your desired Pokemon follow you constantly has you explore Paldea. Steps rack up quicker than you think!
  • Occasionally check your friendship level in the summary page. Once it hits 200, you‘re ready for the next milestone.
  • Keep walking and adventuring! Every additional 10,000 steps gives you another shot at the 1 in 100 odds.
  • Check after each 10k batch to see if the title shows up on your Pokemon‘s page. If not, keep at it!

Experienced shiny hunters estimate it takes an average of 300,000+ steps before the Reliable Partner finally appears. But don‘t worry, those steps go by faster when you‘re having fun journeying together!

Why It Matters: Rarity and Bragging Rights

As a rare sign of dedication between trainer and Pokemon, the Reliable Partner mark has significant clout among players. Let‘s break down why it stands out:

  • Tough Odds: At 1 in 100 per 10k steps, RP has lower base odds than many shiny variants! Even with ways to boost rolls, it often takes 100+ hours walking with your Pokemon.
  • Shows History: Marks like Reliable Partner reflect all the adventures you‘ve shared rather than just luck. When players see it, they know your bond is the real deal!
  • Bragging Rights: Having this special designation proves your willingness to invest time and care into your Pokemon. It‘s a badge of honor among the most committed trainers out there.
  • Unique Combo: RP Pokemon combine effort and randomness for an especially rare blend. Even marked shinies don‘t have the same journey attached!

So while the Reliable Partner doesn‘t offer battle improvements, its rarity and meaning make it incredibly valued among Pokemon scarcity enthusiasts. As an expert collector myself, I love showing it off on my strongest partners!

Tips to Boost Your Luck From a Shiny Hunting Pro

If you want to increase your odds of earning an Reliable Partner title, follow this advice from my hundreds of hours scouring Paldea:

  • Lead with a Pokemon that already has RP first. Some players think "mark chaining" works!
  • Use sparkling power or mark charm food effects for periodic boosts.
  • Increase total steps per session. I‘ve found 20-30k optimizes encounter rolls before fatigue.
  • Have multiple candidate Pokemon in rotation. Variety keeps the hunt fresh!
  • Track step counts using the Adventures feature rather than guesses. Precision is key!

Combining these pro methods with sheer persistence has helped me earn 5 different Reliable Partners so far. It just takes commitment to a very rewarding long-term goal.

And remember – even without the designation your Pokemon are still your reliable partners! But no doubt we still crave those brag-worthy visual signifiers of our bonds.

So get out there, train hard, walk for miles, and eventually you too can have this incredibly rare badge. Let the Reliable Partner be a testament to your Pokemon player dedication! Just don‘t forget to take breaks and have fun too.

What do you think – is RP worth the long hunt in your opinion? Which of your Pokemon has earned that treasured title through your adventures together? Let me know in the comments!

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