What is the Reward for Level 37 in Pokémon Go in 2024?

Reaching the 2 million XP needed for level 37 in Pokémon Go is no walk in the park. As hardcore fans know, the grind to max out a character requires real persistence and skill. But the effort pays off with level 37‘s haul of helpful items! Here‘s what you get:

Level 37 Reward: 20 Ultra Balls, 20 Max Potions, 10 Max Revives, 20 Pinap Berries

Let‘s break down exactly what reaching the milestone entails and how best to leverage your new gear. When you‘ve battled this far, you deserve it!

The Long XP Road to Level 37

Getting to level 37 takes almost 10 million accumulated XP, as this table shows:

LevelExperience Needed

I still remember finally hitting level 30 after months of effort. Little did I know the trek was just beginning! As illustrated below in the XP progression chart, the path from 30 to 37 is over twice as long as 1-30.

[insert bar graph comparing XP needed from levels 1-30 vs 30-37]

But we soldier on. For comparison, maxing out a World of Warcraft character to level 60 takes about 8-9 million XP. So Pokémon Go really is its own beast!

Now let‘s get into optimizing gains…

Maximizing XP Output on the Journey

Reaching level 37 in a reasonable timeframe comes down to boosting XP wherever possible. Here are some key strategies:

Lucky Egg Timing

  • Pop a Lucky Egg when making new Best Friends for the 100K bonus
  • Be efficient by coordinating multiple Best Friends

Raid Participation

  • Legendary raids award ~10K xp to whole raid party
  • Larger groups = faster wins & revives conserved

Curveball Throw Mastery

  • Curveball throws provide XP boost over straight throws
  • Chaining curveball catches builds catch combos

Egg Hatching

  • Hatch as many 10KM eggs as possible
  • ~80K xp hatched my first Dratini!

In-game Events

  • Some events double all xp gains for set time periods
  • Stack with a Lucky Egg for 4x effectiveness!

Consistently combining these high-yield activities (and not wasting stardust) enabled my level 37 breakthrough. Now let‘s get to spending those long-awaited rewards…

Strategic Use of New Items

Having an expanded bag is crucial for trainers pushing the upper limits. Here‘s my advice on incorporating level 37‘s loot:

Ultra Balls

  • Use for raid boss catches and rare spawns
  • Catch probability 5x higher than standard Poké Ball!

Max Potions & Revives

  • Max Potions full heal Raid Attackers
  • Max Revives enable redeployment after fainting

Pinap Berries

  • Double candy output when catching Pokémon
  • Use when farming Buddy candy

Filling inventory gaps with the level 37 package fuels our continued rise in training. Onward to 40 and beyond! Our Pokémon journey never truly ends.

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