What is the richest city in Italy in 2024?

According to several recent reports, Milan remains the wealthiest city in Italy as of 2023. With a GDP of over $350 billion, Milan generates approximately 9% of Italy‘s total GDP.

The global city is a major financial and business hub, home to the Italian Stock Exchange and headquarters of major national and international companies. Its thriving industries in finance, manufacturing, tech, design, and fashion contribute to its prosperity.

Other top prosperous cities in Italy

While Milan tops the list, several other Italian cities also boast strong economies:

  • Rome – As the capital and most populous city, Rome has a GDP over $170 billion. Its economy relies heavily on manufacturing and tourism.
  • Turin – With GDP around $58 billion, Turin is an important industrial and automotive center. Home to Fiat and several auto plants.
  • Bologna – A wealthy center of education, research, and manufacturing with a large student population. GDP over $50 billion.
  • Florence – Its medieval beauty and art treasures drive a tourism-based economy over $60 billion.

Where the wealthy live

In Milan, the richest neighborhoods encircle the historic city center. These include downtown‘s Quadrilatero della moda luxury shopping district and Porta Nuova with its high-end apartments.

Exclusive lakefront towns like Como and Bellagio on Lake Como attract Italian billionaires and celebrities seeking secluded villas. Northern islands like Capri are beloved by the jet set crowd.

Americans in Italy

Around 100,000 Americans live in Italy, mostly concentrated in major cities like Rome, Florence and Milan. Many are students, teachers, business owners and retirees benefiting from Italy‘s mild climate and slower pace of life.

So while Milan takes the top spot for wealthiest city, la dolce vita can be found across Italy‘s charming towns and regions.

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