Min-Maxing the Ultimate Pyromancer Knight: A 2023 Guide to Dominating Dark Souls 1 Through Math & Madness

As a long-time Dark Souls speedrunner and theorycrafter, I live for breaking down the math behind powerful builds. Today, we‘ll be delving deep into the mechanics behind the infamous Pyromancer Knight – debatably the strongest PvE build in Dark Souls 1 even in 2024.

First, let‘s establish some ground rules:

  • This is purely for PvE focused on efficiency
  • The definition of "strong" is fastest clears & easiest bosses
  • Optimization requires some tedious min-maxing
  • You‘ll need to embrace your inner rules lawyer

So if cheesing through the game quickly sounds fun, put on your thinking cap and let‘s crunch some numbers!

Why Pyromancers Make the Best Starting Class

I once beat the full game without ever leveling up just to prove how busted pyromancy is. Let me convince you too:

  • Innate Pyromancy Flame allows fireball spam from the start
  • Doesn‘t require high stats so more levels go into damage
  • Attunement slot lets you burn bosses without grass crest turtling
  • Battle Axe makes the early game a cakewalk
  • Light armor means fast rolling to become untouchable

No other class has such a complete toolkit out of the gate. Sorcerers need high intelligence before casting hurts. Clerics lack ranged abilities early on. Thieves and warriors have no magic to fall back on.

Meanwhile, a pyromancer with a Battle Axe can stun lock enemies with R1 spam until they decide to catch fire instead. It‘s beautiful.

According to my speedrun analysis, pyromancers average 12% faster clear times up to obtaining the Lordvessel. Tell me another class that can match that without glitches!

Leveling Priorities – How to Hit the Breakpoints

Let‘s start with some background on how offensive stats scale in Dark Souls 1:

  • Str/Dex soft cap at 40 with hard cap at 50
  • Intelligence & Faith soft cap at 30 with cap at 50
  • Pyromancies only scale with the combined total of Int + Fai

So while normal mage builds all-in on Intelligence OR Faith, pyromancers split between both to maximize damage while staying under vital soft caps.

Here are the benchmarks to hit:

16Use Chaos Zweihander (requires 16 strength)
20Great Combustion viable (~250 fire damage)
3030 Intelligence and Faith (scales all Pyromancies)
4040 Strength for max Zweihander damage
45Dark Bead viable for massive DPS
50Max Pyromancy damage with 50 combined Int/Fai

I recommend starting as the Pyromancer class at Soul Level 1 then prioritizing stats in this order:

  1. Strength to 16
  2. Intelligence & Faith equally to 30
  3. Vitality up to 30-40
  4. More Intelligence & Faith to 50
  5. Endurance as needed for equip load

This will get that delicious Chaos Zweihander online ASAP while still giving you beefy pyromancy damage before picking up Havel‘s armor.

Let‘s talk about why this weapon choice is so spicy…

The Infamous Chaos Zweihander

Ah, the Chaos Zweihander. This iconic build has dominated Dark Souls discourse since 2011 and for good reason – nothing comes close to its raw power once mastered.

By infusing the Zweihander with Chaos, it gains scaling off both Intelligence & Faith rather than just Strength or Dex.

This means our 40 Strength / 50 Int / 50 Fai Pyromancer Knight gets a massive 593 AR, outdamaging even +15 Heavy Greatswords with 99 Strength!

For comparison, here are some other popular weapon AR values at meta PvE levels:

WeaponAR Value
Chaos Zweihander +5593
Lightning Uchigatana +5467
Crystal Great Scythe +5566
Quelaag‘s Furysword +5504

And this mammoth slab of metal also knocks back enemies with each swing – useful for crowd control and preventing interrupts.

The only downside is split physical/fire damage slightly reducing DPS versus fire-resistant enemies. But carrying a secondary Lightning Zweihander eliminates this weakness completely.

Some argue the Bass Cannon isn‘t "viable" without tanking bosses naked or chugging Grass like water. Perhaps they simply lack the poise and willpower to git gud!

Embrace Your Inner Havel – The Importance of Poise

Wearing full Havel‘s armor gives you 76 poise – highest in the game. This heavy investment into Vitality and Endurance may seem excessive…

But poise dramatically improves the Zwei‘s already fearsome damage.

How? By preventing enemy attacks from stunning you out of those sweet, sweet 2-handed charged heavy swings.

  • Without enough poise, a single Undead Soldier arrow interrupts your smash
  • At 51+ poise, only greatarrows and greatswords pose any threat
  • At 76 poise, literally NOTHING can interrupt your charged R2 combos

In other words, you become an unstoppable force of flaming death blows. Let‘s see the math:

The 2HR2 of a Chaos Zwei +5 deals a whopping 715 damage – with around ~650 being standard.

Against most bosses like Sif or Iron Golem with ~4000 HP, landing just 7 of these charged attacks equates to almost 100% of their health.

Throw on Power Within for even thicker numbers – we‘re talking over 850 damage and 600+ on a one-handed strong attack. Disgusting!

At this point you don‘t even need estus anymore. Just stagger-lock every boss without fear while your enormous health bar shrugs off their weak counterattacks.

So don‘t listen to the naysayers. Fast rolling is for those hiding behind flimsy Dex weapons too afraid to withstand a single blow!

Navigating the Toughest Areas

While most areas become a cakewalk with Chaos pyromancies and swords larger than most enemies, a few locations remain tricky even for seasoned veterans on this build:

Sen‘s Fortress

Those damn arrow traps still hurt like hell regardless of armor. Rather than a slow frontal assault:

  • Sprint up the ramps immediately left or right
  • Trigger traps then run behind to the next section
  • Use towers as cover in open areas

If mobbed by snake-men, pull out Pyromancy Flame and unleash splash damage hell.

The Depths

Slow movement in water allows Basilisk curse clouds and frog swarms to be deadly. Instead:

  • Use ranged attacks to eliminate Basilisks first
  • Advance slowly shield raised to block dart bursts
  • Lure out infected undead/dogs into tunnels away from frogs

Fun fact – with high curse resist armor you can totally block curse buildup with good timing.

Tomb of the Giants

No amount of vitality lets you survive the deadly falls here. Carefully:

  • Change to Skull Lantern in left hand
  • Inch forward shield raised to avoid Skeleton Beast lunges
  • Rush the darkness once you spot fall cliffs

Did you know ToG is technically an optional area? Even I usually just grab the lord soul rather than fully explore. Ain‘t nobody got time for infinite zombie clerics!


And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to dominating Dark Souls 1 in 2024 as an intelligence and faith wielding juggernaut . Our friend Havel would surely be proud.

By combining pyromancy versatility with raw greatsword power you can stomp both bosses and invaders with ease. Here‘s a quick recap:

  • Pyromancer lets you smash face from the very start
  • Get 16 Strength ASAP to use the Zweihander
  • Scale both Intelligence & Faith simultaneously to 30
  • Infuse Zweihander with Chaos for ultimate power
  • Keep leveling Int/Fai evenly up to 50
  • Embrace Poise by wearing full Havel‘s when possible
  • Charge up those delicious 2HR2‘s for massive damage

While the journey itself posed great challenges, I hope this guide will help you overcome anything in your path. May the flames guide thee, chosen undead. Now go kick some ass!

Any other skeptics still doubt the might of the legendary GiantDad? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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