The Wyvern Rules the Skies as the Strongest Flyer in Ark

The Wyvern stands on top as the undisputed aerial ruler of Ark Survival Evolved. This hulking winged beast dominates above all other flyers in nearly every meaningful way. Here‘s an in-depth look at why the Wyvern has no equal in the skies of Ark:

Introducing the Wyvern

The Wyvern is a gigantic flying reptile only found in fertilized egg form on the Scorched Earth and Ragnarok maps. Ferocious and untamable in the wild, survivors must steal and hatch Wyvern eggs to obtain one.

Three variants exist:

  • Fire Wyverns – Inflict burning damage with explosive fireball attacks
  • Lightning Wyverns – Emit electrically charged beams from their mouth
  • Poison Wyverns – Spray a toxic poison to disable healing over time

Unmatched Stats Across the Board

When it comes to base stats, the Wyvern thoroughly eclipses every other flyer:


These statistical advantages only grow once the creature reaches higher levels and you begin selective breeding. A damage-focused Wyvern line can surpass 1,000% melee with relative ease.

Ferrying Riders Into Battle

The Wyvern uniquely equips saddles capable of carrying multiple passengers. With a high-level Wyvern, you can drop groups of 2-4 riders armed with weapons directly into the fray.

This capability enables unrivaled power projection from the air, allowing extremely aggressive attack strategies no other flyer permits.

Unparalleled Speed and Agility

The Wyvern boasts a movement speed up to 220% when fully leveled – firmly establishing it as the fastest flyer available. Combined with high stamina and weight stats, it covers vast distances rapidly even while loaded down with cargo.

You simply cannot catch or flee from an enemy Wyvern without one of your own – their speed and nimbleness dominates.

Elemental Breath Attacks for Devastation

Each Wyvern variant wields a devastating elemental breath attack associated with their type:

  • Fire Wyverns rain down explosive fireballs
  • Lightning Wyverns emit electrically charged beams
  • Poison Wyverns spit toxic poison

These abilities, combined with mounted gunners, make a Wyvern air convoy an unstoppable attack force.

With vastly superior stats across the board, exclusive battle carrying capabilities, elementos breath attacks, and peerless speed and agility – the Wyvern stands tall above anything else flying your island‘s skies. Simply put – whoever controls the Wyvern, controls the airspace.

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