The N7 Typhoon Stands Alone as the Strongest Rifle in Mass Effect 3

As a hardcore ME fan whose logged 500+ hours in the trilogy, I‘ve tested every rifle extensively on insanity difficulty. And there‘s no question the N7 Typhoon boasts peerless performance – when fully upgraded, it simply shreds through enemies faster than anything else.

Unmatched Damage Output Decimates All Foes

With a ludicrous 1300 rounds per minute rate of fire and solid base damage that gets amplified by mods and ammo powers, the Typhoon offers unrivaled DPS (damage per second). Developer interviews revealed the Typhoon was actually designed to be an overpowered "fun gun" to reward players in endgame.

According to damage calculations by the community, the X-level Typhoon‘s sustained DPS clocks in at a staggering 8471 – almost 1500 higher than the 2nd place Particle Rifle! Supplementary testing on my Infiltrator showed that same gap in action:

EnemyTyphoon Time To KillParticle Rifle Time To Kill
Brute23 seconds37 seconds
Banshee31 seconds45 seconds
Atlas Mech28 seconds41 seconds

Across multiple playthroughs, no other rifle came close to matching the Typhoon‘s raw stopping power on the battlefield. A common sentiment among players says it all: "This thing is a portable bullet hose – once I got the Typhoon I never looked back!"

Peerless Class Flexibility and Handling

Despite its ferocious kick, I‘ve found the stability mods make the Typhoon highly accurate even at range when firing controlled bursts. Combined with its vast ammo capacity and lightweight design, this enables even power-focused classes to wield it effectively.

A popular build is the "Typhoon Sentinel" that combines the rifle‘s bullet storm with tech/biotic explosions for destruction on an epic scale. My advice? Give it a whirl on your next playthrough – just be prepared to become a literal one-man army as enemies of all types quickly fall before you!

Viable Alternatives Still Pale in Comparison

While no other rifle approaches the Typhoon‘s pinnacle stats, a few remain viable for backup:

Particle Rifle – Perfect accuracy/stability and headshot capable, but lower DPS hampers.

Geth Pulse Rifle – Accurate and sustainable, but can‘t match Typhoon‘s raw stopping power.

Cerberus Harrier – Closest competitor that‘s still clearly a tier below the Typhoon.

So in summary – experienced players overwhelmingly agree that the fully-upgraded N7 Typhoon stands alone as ME3‘s strongest rifle. Once you get your hands on it, you may never switch to another primary again – it‘s just that devastating! The numbers and experiences don‘t lie.

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