Sorcerer is the Strongest Solo Class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker

As a passionate Pathfinder: Kingmaker player with over 200 hours invested, I can definitively say the Sorcerer stands tall as the best class for solo adventuring through these dangerous lands. With the right build, a Sorcerer has the damage, crowd control, survivalbility, and versatility needed to handle whatever threats come its way.

Why Sorcerers Excel in Solo Play

Let‘s break down what makes the Sorcerer so formidable when going solo:

Extreme Damage Potential

A Sorcerer‘s sheer damage output, especially when specialized into a particular elemental damage type, is downright staggering. Through metamagic and mythic abilities, you can routinely hit for hundreds of damage per cast. This allows you to quickly nuke even tough mini-bosses and bosses.

Hard Crowd Control and Debuffs

Between potent offensive spells like Phantasmal Killer and Save-or-Suck classics like Hold Person, Sorcerers can lock down groups of enemies to focus fire threats one by one. Their debuffs like Bestow Curse also tip the odds heavily in your favor.

Survive Through Spells and Buffs

While not as innately tanky as some classes, Sorcerers have access to several temporary hit point buffs, damage reductions, resistances, mirror images, and emergency heals/teleports to stay alive. You can also summon creatures to serve as meat shields.

Social Skills for Dialogue Checks

With high Charisma and Persuasion investment, Sorcerers can pass key dialogue checks for additional quest rewards and outcomes. This perk shouldn‘t be overlooked.

Mythic Feats for Additional Damage and Control

As you unlock mythic tiers and feats, choices like Mythic Spell Lore, Ascendant Element, and Archmage Armor further amplify the Sorcerer‘s power.

Now let‘s analyze how the Sorcerer compares to some other top solo classes in Kingmaker:

Versus Other Strong Solo Classes

Sorcerer vs. Inquisitor

While Inquisitors make fine solo classes thanks to their spells and judgements, they lag behind the Sorcerer in raw damage and control capabilities. The Sorcerer‘s bloodline powers also outpace most inquisitions.

Sorcerer vs. Magus

Magi excel at the hybrid fighter/spellcaster role. But again they fall short of the Sorcerer‘s damage potential across an adventuring day. Magi also rely more heavily on attrition tactics that are riskier when soloing.

Sorcerer vs. Cleric

Clerics match well in healing and buffs. Their spell list has a few unique tricks, but you‘ll typically achieve better damage and crowd control from the Sorcerer side. And access to arcane spells like Transformation is invaluable.

So in summary, while these Alternate classes have worthy strengths, the Sorcerer‘s complete package makes it my choice for the best solo performer in Kingmaker.

Strongest Sorcerer Solo Builds

Now I want to provide recommendations on how exactly to build an overpowered Sorcerer that can easily solo Kingmaker based on personal experience:


  • Draconic – a great mix of offense (bonus damage), defense (HP, natural armor, resists), and mobility. The strength and cha boosts also help.
  • Arcane – lower defense than Draconic but metamagic mastery leads to absolutely nuclear damage potential. Quickened empowered hellfire rays will delete most bosses.

Recommended Feats

  • Spell Focus Evocation + Greater Spell Focus Evocation
  • Spell Penetration + Greater Spell Penetration
  • Metamagic Feats: Heighten, Empower, Quicken
  • Mythic Feats: Archmage Armor, Ascendant Element Fire/Ice/Electricity

Helpful Spells

  • Mirror Image – survive by obscuring the real you
  • Blur / Displacement – boost survivability through miss chances
  • Stoneskin – absorbed damage helps against chip damage
  • Hellfire Ray / Polar Ray / Lightning Bolt – bread and butter blasters
  • Phantasmal Killer – save or die against solo targets
  • Control Water / Create Pit – battlefield manipulation
  • Summon Monster – meat shields and flanking partners

Closing Thoughts

As you can see, the Sorcerer has an overwhelming range of options for dominating Kingmaker‘s threats alone. I‘ve had phenomenal success through multiple playthroughs by following builds similar to what I‘ve outlined above. Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to chat more Pathfinder tactics.

Now get out there and start raining fireballs down on those bandits!

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