The Original Vampires Reign Supreme Among the Strongest Vampire Species

As an avid Vampire Diaries franchise fan and content creator, I can definitively say the Original vampires are unmatched among vampire species in terms of raw strength and power. Sired by the powerful witch Esther Mikaelson over 1,000 years ago, the Originals shattered the limits of vampirism to usher in a new apex breed.

Unparalleled Physical Prowess Among Vampire Kind

The Mikaelsons take vampiric capabilities to unprecedented levels as the first and strongest vampires in existence. Their physical stats and documented feats simply outclass rival species.


  • Overpowered countless vampires and supernatural creatures across 1000+ years
  • Snaps necks and spines with one hand
  • Tears out hearts bare-handed
  • Decapitates lesser vampires with ease
  • Traded blows with the Beast, a vampire-werewolf hybrid foretold to end all evil


  • Blitz other quick vampires before they can react
  • Catches bolts and arrows mid-air
  • Outruns grenade explosions
  • Swift enough to seem like teleportation


  • Survives stabbed by indestructible white oak ash daggers
  • Rapidly recovers from broken necks, backsnaps, lost limbs or holes in chests.
  • Endured werewolf venom, vervain, and curses seeking to erase their sireline

Simply put, the Originals define peak vampire performance across strength, speed and toughness. Their physicals handily eclipse rivals.

|| Strength | Speed | Toughness |
| — | — | — | — |
| Original Vampires | | | |
| Non-Original Vampires |
| |
| Werewolves | **
| * | ** |
| Witches | | | * |

Klaus Mikaelson – The Strongest Original as a Hybrid

The Original hybrid Klaus Mikaelson demonstrates an even higher ceiling of vampire power. By unlocking his werewolf side, Klaus combines all the perks of two apex predator species into one unrelenting killer.

Unmatched Physicality

  • Overpowers other Originals like Elijah and Kol
  • Contends with the Beast in direct combat
  • Eviscerates groups of vampires within seconds
  • Heals from lethal mutilation in minutes

Lethal Werewolf Venom

  • Bite kills vampires and severely weakens Originals
  • Once used bite to dismantle Marcel‘s empire in New Orleans
  • Hybrid blood serves as only cure

Building an Army of Hybrid Soldiers

  • First successful hybrid siring gave him loyal servants
  • At height had 200+ sired hybrids under his control
  • Massacred them once their loyalty wavered

Klaus remained undefeated for centuries until facing foes of equal Hybrid or Tribrid nature. His fusion of two savage lineages compounds his abilities to overwhelming levels.

Could Anything Rival The Originals‘ Power?

While the Mikaelsons sit firmly atop the vampire hierarchy, a few exceptional individuals give them a run for their money. These contenders demonstrate nearly comparable power:

Silas – The First Immortal

As the first immortal being, Silas‘ psychic and elemental magic could restrain even fierce Originals. However, physically Silas wasn‘t quite on their level as he relied on trickery and illusions against direct confrontation.

Marcel Gerard – Upgraded Original

Marcel, Klaus‘ vampire progeny, did gain enough strength to lead New Orleans in Klaus‘ absence. After a temporary power boost, he bit Elijah and challenged Klaus, cementing status as a top vampire before being swiftly defeated again.

Hope Mikaelson – The Tribrid

Hope manifests as a witch, werewolf and vampire tribrid. Once fully activated, many consider Hope above Klaus via scaling. She contorts reality itself and reconstructs her trueself across dimensions. Her trio of abilities eclipse all others…for now.

So for many centuries, none could truly contest the Original vampires‘ superiority until the emergence of these rare hybrid and tribrid anomalities. Even then, the Mikaelsons‘ enduring legend earns them the mantle of strongest vampire species in my eyes. Their origins shape the vampire genre itself!

Let me know your thoughts on these apex vampire contenders! Which species stands at the pinnacle of vampire power and lore?

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