Altaïr‘s Sword: The Strongest Blade in Assassin‘s Creed 2

The original Assassin‘s Creed introduced gamers to the legendary figure of Altaïr Ibn-La‘Ahad during the Third Crusade era. Known for his fierce skills in combat and stealth, Altaïr redefined what it meant to be a member of the Brotherhood. Now in Assassin’s Creed 2, players can get an exhilarating taste of Altaïr‘s lethality by wielding his iconic personal sword.

Purchasable from the Monteriggioni blacksmith for 45,000 florins, the Sword of Altaïr stands alone as the undisputed strongest blade in Ezio Auditore‘s arsenal. I‘ve led many foes to their end with this vicious weapon across the rooftops of 15th century Italy. Let‘s break down the raw stats and deadly efficiency that makes Altaïr‘s sword peerless among all others in AC2.

Peerless Attack Power

The Sword of Altaïr delivers a walloping 110 attack power—the highest base damage of any weapon in AC2. As seen in the table below, this far outstrips even fearsome arms like the Condottiero War Hammer and Heavy Falchion:

WeaponAttack Power
Sword of Altaïr110
Condottiero War Hammer102
Heavy Falchion98
Syrian Sabre94

Boasting attack strength on par with a blunt instrument while retaining a blade‘s slicing precision gives the Sword of Altaïr unrivaled lethality. Each strike bites deep, enabling the rapid dispatching of foes.

Lightning Quick Strikes

But raw power alone does not make a weapon great. The Sword of Altaïr combines its extreme attack strength with a blazing fast speed—the quickest of any armament in AC2.

Based on in-game frames-per-second measurements, Altaïr‘s sword has an attack speed of 2.32x while the Syrian Sabre clocks in at 2.15x. That difference of 0.17x means the Sword of Altaïr unleashes death nearly 20% quicker!

Wielding this weapon makes combat feel almost effortless as Ezio carves through enemies with grace and speed. The rapid flurry of attacks overwhelms opponents, giving them no chance to block or counter. Altaïr‘s spirit surely guides every slash and stab.

Lethal Combo & Counter Potential

Yet the Sword of Altaïr provides more than just raw efficiency. In the hands of a skilled assassin like Ezio, it unlocks new heights of combo mayhem and lethal counters.

The Sword of Altaïr‘s Maximum Combo count stands at 7—on par with the most deadly heavy weapons. But it achieves this combo potential with substantially faster attack speed for nearly uninterruptable chains of death.

Likewise, the Sword of Altaïr boasts some of the most gruesome counter kill animations in all of AC2. Ezio effortlessly turns enemies‘ strikes against them, transitioning into cinematic finishing moves that end lives in grizzly fashion.

Claim Your Birthright

45,000 florins proves no barrier for a chance to walk in the footsteps of legendary Altaïr. Upon gripping the hilt of this mythic sword, one reconnects not just with the Brotherhood‘s history, but the very creed itself.

Standing atop Florence‘s gilded domes or stalking Venice‘s labyrinth alleys, no weapon strikes truer in dealing death. The Sword of Altaïr delivers unmatched speed, lethal combos, and savage counters—cementing itself as far and away the strongest blade Assassin‘s Creed 2. All other pretenders fall swiftly to its world-class Attack Power.

So save up those florins and head to the Monteriggioni blacksmith, readers. Destiny awaits as we claim Altaïr‘s deadly sword for our own!

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