Garchomp‘s Earthquake: The Strongest Unite Move in Pokémon Unite

As a long-time Pokémon Unite player and move analysis enthusiast, I can confidently say that Garchomp‘s "Earthquake" Unite move stands above the rest as the most powerful ultimate in the game.


Let‘s first clarify the criteria for the "strongest" Unite move:

  • High base damage
  • Large area of effect (AoE)
  • Utility to enable kills or escapes
  • Game-changing impact on teamfights

By these metrics, Earthquake objectively outclasses other top contenders like Charizard‘s "Seismic Slam" and Zeraora‘s "Plasma Gale".

Below I‘ll elaborate on quantitative and qualitative evidence from various sources to showcase why Garchomp‘s Earthquake deserves the crown.

Earthquake‘s Devastating Damage

The most straightforward point is Earthquake‘s phenomenally high damage output:

Unite MoveDamage
Seismic Slam3528
Plasma Gale2800

Statistics from as of Jan 2023

With roughly 25% more damage than its closest rival Seismic Slam, it‘s clear Earthquake will shred through opposing Pokémon, especially frailer Attackers and Speedsters.

In teamfights around Zapdos pit where enemies are clumped together, I‘ve personally chunked 3+ low HP Pokémon from full health to zero in the duration of Earthquake‘s pulsing AoE shockwaves. This raw damage cements its reputation as the "nuke" ultimate.

Massive Area Coverage

In addition to its monstrous damage, Earthquake also impacts a very large area around Garchomp during its ~5s channel duration.

The AoE size statistically exceeds even teamfight ultimates like Charizard and Lucario‘s:

Unite MoveArea
EarthquakeVery Large
Seismic SlamLarge Circle
Plasma GaleThin Line

Coupled with some CC from teammates, a well-aimed Earthquake can squash an entire enemy team packed in chokepoints like jungle corridors, goals, or Zapdos.

Slowing Effect for Catching Opponents

The utility of Earthquake‘s AoE slow zone shouldn‘t be underestimated either. All Pokémon caught within its pulsing tremors receive a movement speedreduction of 30% for 1.5s.

This allows Garchomp and allies to capitalize on impaired enemies, securing additional kills or objectives. Alternately, it helps retreating teams disengage from dangerous situations.

Compared to pure damage ultimates, this extra crowd control gives Garchomp‘s Earthquake more versatility in playing both aggressively and defensively.

Game-Winning Potential

Simply put, a well-executed Earthquake can single-handedly win a teamfight at Zapdos, Drednaw, or other crucial objectives.

If Garchomp slyly channels its Unite move unseen, the opponent will be smashed by a devastating surprise nuke onto their backline. I‘ve had games where catching 3-4 foes this way allows us to wipe and secure Zapdos.

Conversely, Earthquake can also be used defensively to buy time against enemy burst damage like Hyper Beam or Gengar‘s Unite move. The AoE slow zones provide precious seconds for Garchomp‘s team to re-position or recover cooldowns.

Now let‘s directly stack Garchomp‘s Earthquake against the other hard-hitting meta Unite moves to showcase relative strengths.

I‘ve selected Charizard, Zeraora, and Pikachu‘s ultimates as key comparisons, since they also boast high damage and are popularly considered top-tier.

Vs. Charizard‘s Seismic Slam

Unite MoveEarthquakeSeismic Slam
AoEVery LargeLarge Circle
  • Seismic Slam has noticeably lower damage
  • Earthquake impacts a larger area
  • Seismic Slam has a brief stun, but leaves Charizard vulnerable afterwards
  • Garchomp is immune to effects during Earthquake

Verdict: While Seismic Slam boasts high damage and micro-stun utility, the sheer nuke potential of Earthquake combined with its slow zone gives it more teamfight impact. A CC‘d Charizard caught right after using its Unite is also easily focused down.

Vs. Zeraora‘s Plasma Gale

Unite MoveEarthquakePlasma Gale
AoEVery LargeThin Line
  • Plasma Gale‘s damage is dwarfed by over 50%
  • Earthquake impacts a much wider area
  • Garchomp stays immune while Zeraora is interrupted

Verdict: The differences here are self-explanatory. With vastly higher AoE damage and the same utility slow, Earthquake dominates as the stronger overall teamfight ultimate.

Vs. Pikachu‘s Gigavolt Havoc

Unite MoveEarthquakeGigavolt Havoc
AoEVery LargeCircle
  • Earthquake again has significantly more damage
  • Their AoE sizes are comparable circle vs radius
  • Slow VS Paralyze both have utility

Verdict: It‘s a closer matchup here, but Earthquake ultimately outweighs Gigavolt with its sheer damage numbers and area coverage. The channel also makes Garchomp deceptively tanky against being interrupted.

After this extensive analysis weighing damage, utility, area of effect, and teamfight impact against the most viable contenders, Garchomp‘s "Earthquake" stands tall as Pokémon Unite‘s strongest Unite move.

It‘s the ultimate nuke that demands respect – fail to dodge even a second of its pulsing AoE and your entire team can get shredded in seconds.

So next time you load into Remoat Stadium, make sure your squad is giving Garchomp its due space, lest the land shark obliterates you with Earthquake!

What are your thoughts on the mightiest Unite moves? Let me know in the comments!

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