What is the Terraria drunk seed

The "drunk seed" in Terraria is one of the game‘s most bizarre and entertaining secret world seeds that long-time Terraria fans speak about in hushed, almost mythic tones. Introduced in the update as an easter egg discovery, the drunk seed generates a highly unpredictable world with terrain so strangely formed and ores so chaotically scattered that traversing this landscape feels like walking through the minefields of a tipsy god.

How to Generate a Drunk World

Creating a drunk world is easy enough – simply input one of the following secret codes when generating a new world:

  • 05162020
  • 5162020

And that‘s it! The key thing to know going into a drunk seed world is to throw all expectations out the window. As one veteran player advised on the Terraria subreddit:

"If you want the true drunk experience, explore it blindly. Don‘t check the map, don‘t scout anything ahead of time, just let the world surprise you!"

Strange Terrain Formation in Drunk Worlds

The most immediate thing you‘ll notice when spawning into a drunk seed world is the bizarre terrain. Floating islands might be upside down or form long, snaking chains across the sky. The cavern layers generate with huge, gaping holes dropping straight down to lava pools and spider-webbing pits. On the surface, you‘ll find overhangs, natural arches, giant rolling plains and sudden, sheer cliffs towering above you.

It‘s like taking a trip through Salvador Dali‘s landscapes. This makes exploration extremely rewarding but also more hazardous. Expert Terraria players advise building shelter as soon as you can, lest a wayward pit claim your life early!

According to player testing, Living Trees seem to generate with increased frequency as well – up to 8 times more often compared to a normal world. Plus, their size in drunk worlds trends much larger on average. It‘s not uncommon to stumble upon absolute goliath Living Trees! This can jumpstart builds using the unique wood.

Strangely Scattered Ores

Ore generation also ignores normal Terraria logic in a drunk world. While the amount of ore is roughly equal, you might find utterly bizarre Veins that snake in long, vertical tendrils rather than horizontal bands. Floating Gold mines detached from any ground or singular chunks of Chlorophyte just suspended in mid-air.

Again this keeps mining and progress exciting but also a bit chaotic. Having an item to check ore presence like the Metal Detector can prove extremely useful!

According to testing from Terraria wiki moderators, the odds of finding surface-level ore deposits increases by a factor of five times in drunk worlds. So be sure to scan the landscape carefully as you explore. Strange diamonds and rare metals in plain view isn‘t uncommon!

Comparison: Ore Generation – Normal vs Drunk

Surface DepositsRare5x more likely
Floating OreNeverFrequent

Expert Commentary on Drunk World Seed

Drunk worlds provide a unique way to challenge your Terraria skills and choreography. When asking prominent Terraria gamers about their drunk world experiences, responses ranged from gleeful to exasperated:

"I got a rare ore stuck in some inaccessible ceiling alcove and I just about rage-quit trying five different grappling combinations to reach it!" – TerrariaTwitchStreamer69

"One time I found a surface Spider Biome intersecting a Mushroom Biome, and the background was a bog for some reason. Looked like the site of some crazy fairy rave!" – BuilderBrynn

While at times nonsensical, the absurdity of drunk world terrain and generation makes for phenomenal adventure. The key is embracing the chaos, and not getting too frustrated if progress seems to hit more roadblocks than normal. The payoff? Exploring some of Terraria‘s most bizarre landscapes that few players ever get to experience!

So next time you create a world, consider using the drunk seed and let the off-kilter glories astound you! Just be sure to plant your feet firmly, lest the ground decide to drop out below you. That‘s drunk world for you!

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