What is the Thiccest Pokémon in 2024?

When we think of big Pokémon, the first that comes to mind is always Snorlax. This iconic sleepy giant from Generation 1 remains the single heaviest creature in Pokémon history at a whopping 1014.1 lbs!

[Pie chart showing % weight of top 10 heaviest Pokémon]

To put that in perspective…

[Table comparing Snorlax‘s weight against real-world animals and objects]

Clearly this Pokémon is in a league of its own when it comes thiccness. But why is Snorlax so uniquely obese compared to other Kanto favorites like Gyarados or Onix? Experts point to its slothful lifestyle and appetite as driving factors, but its size is further enabled by a slow metabolism and sturdy molecular structure that makes it less dense than water.

While Snorlax hogs the spotlight for weight, Eternatus dominates as the tallest Pokémon ever recorded at a staggering 65‘07" according to its official Pokédex entry.

[Illustrated height chart of Eternatus against other giant Pokémon]

This alien dragon towers over even enormous whales like Wailord and functions as essentially a living poison factory. Its extreme size likely evolved on its unknown homeworld to produce massive quantities of toxic gases and fluids.

When it comes to concentrated power, few can match the god-like Pokémon Arceus whose mythology states it created all of existence.

[Timeline graphic tracing legends of Arceus granting life/powers to early humans and Pokémon]

Given its reality-bending capabilities enabling feats like creation and judgment, scientists theorize psychic energies allow Arceus to manipulate fundamental forces of nature on a whim to reshape worlds.

While we may never know what allows these behemoth Pokémon to attain such extreme weights and heights compared to their peers, their awe-inspiring sizes will surely inspire legend and lore for generations to come!

Now I turn the question to you – if all Pokémon sizes equalized, which would gain the biggest competitive advantage from shedding extra pounds or inches? Share your wildest theories below!

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