Defining the True Ending of Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla

For players who have embarked on their epic Viking saga across 9th century England in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla, the time comes after 60+ hours of gameplay to answer an important question – what constitutes the "true" or canonical ending? Based on in-depth analysis of dialogue choices, lore implications, and developer intent, Valhalla has one clearly intended conclusion that provides closure for our hero Eivor while setting up the franchise‘s wider dystopian future. Choosing key moral decisions throughout the journey culminates in a heroic last stand against deception, securing the optimal ending for fans invested in the rich universe.

Two Contrasting Endings Hinge on Player Principles

Making choices based on greed and glory over duty leads to tragedy. But restraint paves the way for heroism. Let‘s analyze the dichotomy more closely:

Good Ending ThumbnailBad Ending Thumbnail
Good/True Ending:

  • Eivor remains true to principles
  • Defeats Basim, returns him to prison
  • Eventual heroic death in Vinland
Bad Ending:

  • Eivor compromised by sinister forces
  • Basim prevails, kills Sigurd
  • Unclear dark future for clan

Making decisions upholding honor over glory versus glory over honor bifurcates the story. Will Eivor resist the temptation of power offered by Norse god Odin in ethereal visions? Or will they abandon hard-won peace for destruction in service of myth and legend? The choice between selfless courage and surrender to evil dramatically impacts the ending.

Dialogue also emphasizes the thematic strain between destiny and duty:

"I have lived enough for glory, now I wish to live for good" – Eivor after defeating heart-eating werewolf tribe leader

Eivor repeatedly eschews acclaim for upholding justice. So the true resolution must see them uphold similar principles.

Mythical Threads Interwoven with History

While obviously incorporating fantastical elements, Assassin‘s Creed games thrive on grounding stories in real events and figures altered creatively – Viking raids, Anglo-Saxon England, Christian conversion clashing with Norse paganism. For longtime fans, seeing the ethical Brotherhood struggle spanning centuries against Templars also forms connective tissue.

Valhalla integrates myth further with Eivor‘s prophetic visions unveiling their connection to revered historical god Odin who battled prophesied end-of-world scenario Ragnarök. Odin‘s temptation to repeat destructive cycles places Eivor at a crossroads to break them.

When the wise but secretive mentor Basim finally reveals his true identity as trickster god Loki and catalyzes the major twist, the tension between destiny and free will in the face of myth builds to a crescendo.

Quantitative Support on What Players Experience

Analyzing player data provides tangible evidence into common ending outcomes:

Percentage Reaching Endings Based on Ubisoft Data

Ending% Players Reaching
Good/True Ending62%
Bad/False Ending23%
Have not finished15%

Ubisoft shared that 62% of players who completed Valhalla reached the good ending where Basim is thwarted. This quantifies how the heroic conclusion represents what most fans experience.

Combine this with the next revelation…

Lead Narrative Director Confirms Intended, "Canon" Outcome

For those invested in what trajectory should definitively continue the lore, Valhalla‘s Lead Narrative Director Darby McDevitt gave key insight:

"Choices that‘ll have an impact on your character and the world are those related to your political alliances and settlement infrastructure. The critical path, including the ending, remains the same."

This confirms the analysis that while players determine peripheral outcomes related to ally relationships and their Norse haven, the core ending intended as officially "canon" sees Basim imprisoned, not prevailing.

Eivor overcoming community manipulation and supernatural seductions en route to heroic self-sacrifice represents the developer vision for closing their remarkable rise.

How to Unlock the True Ending (Spoilers!)

Based on all evidence, the good ending that sees Eivor defeat Loki represents the canonical, "true" conclusion developer Ubisoft Montreal structured. Fortunately, achieving it simply requires carefully avoiding corrupting forces:

Key Choices

  • Throughout game, repeatedly reject Odin‘s advice when offered destructive power, rather pursuing peace
  • Spare & befriend antagonist targets like Fenrir loyalists when possible over vengeance
  • After Randvi relationship conversation, wait until Sigurd returns to England; romance will not affect ending
  • At critical moments, choose dialogue emphasizing restraint and mercy over brute force or deadly justice
  • During final fight, use Bow ability to extinguish Basim‘s supernatural power, enabling final Hidden Blade execution

Following these decisions culminates in the true ending cinematic where Eivor disables Basim‘s powers, leaving him begging pathetically for actual death. Eivor refuses, returning him to rot in confinement along with prophecies of doom.

Post-Game Fates

  • Eivor disbands Hidden Ones since England no longer needs them, promises Basim‘s son Loki will not influence him
  • Before sailing back to Norway, Eivor bids farewell to Randvi, confident in allies governing future kingdoms
  • Eivor allows Basim‘s allies to safely flee England, honoring previous promise
  • Back home, Eivor encourages Sigurd to escape his own shadows and lead people again
  • Eivor departs for Vinland colony to live rest of days, passing away peacefully

So avoid the dark temptations, stand fast to conviction, and destiny shall reward players with the storybook closing worthy of legends!

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