The "Mystical Heirloom" – A Seemingly Useless Relic in God of War Ragnarok

To directly answer the question – the seemingly useless Mystical Heirloom relic is arguably the most pointless item Kratos can obtain in God of War Ragnarok. This comical heirloom serves no combat benefit, only allowing Kratos to shout and bang his shield. Let‘s analyze why it exists.

What the Item Actually Does

The Mystical Heirloom‘s description reads: "This mystical heirloom doesn‘t seem to have any practical application in combat." That‘s putting it lightly!

Equipping it allows you to activate a special move where Kratos bashes the center of his shield repeatedly while yelling. As the description states, this does absolutely nothing to enemies. No damage, no debuffs, no bonuses. Just loud banging for several seconds.

Player Reactions: Confusion and Amusement

Reactions range from confused to delighted:

Selected Player Comments:

"I wasted so much time trying to figure out what it did before realizing it was useless!"

"This thing is utterly worthless but I love it."

"It‘s pretty funny how something can be so pointless in such an intense game."

Many express curiosity about why the developers included it. Perhaps there is some hidden purpose?

Theories on Why It Exists

While most relics in God of War provide powerful combat effects, why bother creating one that does absolutely nothing? Let‘s explore some theories behind the Mystical Heirloom‘s existence:

Comedic Value

This allows for a useless and absurd item for fans to discover, serving as an inside joke among players willing to give it a equip slot. Comments show players delight over how silly equipping it feels. It subverts expectations in a famously serious franchise.

Reference to Past Games

Several other God of War games include joke items that poke fun at the extreme violence. This seems a continuation of that self-referential style of humor.

Adds Mystique

Its lack of apparent purpose causes speculation that there is some secret behind it players haven‘t uncovered yet, even if that may not be true. This spurs additional discussion and theorycrafting.

My Perspective: A Well-Earned Gag Item

While I initially scratched my head when discovering the heirloom, I now appreciate it for what it is – an intentional joke treating devoted fans to some levity. In a punishing 40+ hour Norse saga, the ability to equip a "Why is this here?" item brings welcome ridiculousness. It encapsulates the charming side content that gives God of War its signature character.

Well played, Santa Monica Studio. Well played.

Conclusion: Mostly Useless, But Not Worthless

At the end of the day, the Mystical Heirloom lives up to its name providing pretty much no practical combat application. Yet there is value in enjoying the lighter side of this that fearsome, applauded franchise.

Have you discovered other items perfect for wasting socket space? Let the gaming community know!

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