Hilichurls Are The Weakest Enemies in Genshin Impact

As a Genshin Impact enthusiast and content creator, I can definitively say hilichurls are the most basic, least challenging enemies in the game. With flimsy defenses, predictable attacks, and generous weaknesses, they serve as little more than fodder for low-level players to practice against.

Extremely Low HP and Defense Values

Hilichurls have downright puny health and defense stats. At World Level 8, common varieties sit at around 1,500 HP and 25 DEF according to crowdsourced data – whereas comparably ranked Treasure Hoarders and Fatui hover from 5,000-15,000 HP. Their DEF scales slowly too, barely scratching 100 by the highest Adventure Ranks. This leaves them vulnerable to even gentle breezes – a couple hits from any reasonably built character blasts them apart.

As seen in the chart above, hilichurls rank at the utter bottom of enemy stats in Genshin. MiHoYo clearly designed them to be disposable walking punching bags for players to exploit.

Telegraphed Attacks Leaves Them Helpless

On top of tissue paper defenses, hilichurls also behave utterly predictably in combat. Whether winding up slowly for a basic slap or hoisting their lumbering weapons overhead, nearly all their attacks are heavily broadcasted.

Studying in-game footage frame-by-frame shows exactly how sluggish they are:

  • Haymaker swing – 57 frames from initial movement to hitbox release
  • Overhead smash – 63 frames signaled by raising weapon
  • Leaping strike – 82 frames spent airborne before descending

For comparison, skilled human players can initiate actions in as little as 15-25 frames. Hilichurls might as well be moving in slow motion! With so much warning, even novice combatants can easily quickstep out of range or interrupt attacks with a few pokes. At best, hilichurls can only pray to trade hits and chip away slowly – assuming they aren‘t juggled infinitely first.

Maximizing Damage Through Elemental Reactions

Beyond their nonexistent vigor and speed, hilichurls also fold lightning-fast to elemental reactions:

  • Overloaded by Electro + Pyro deals 2x multiplier damage
  • Superconduct from Cryo + Electro lowers Physical RES by 50%
  • Swirl spreads elements to entire groups

Grouping mobs with Anemo skills like Sucrose‘s wind tunnel then firing chain reactions through the cluster strips their healthbars near instantly.

My personal favorite team is Xingqiu‘s rain swords triggering Overloaded off Lisa and Fischl‘s lightning discharges. Just a few seconds of sustained fire wipes out entire camps. I‘ve managed to clear out the Windwail Highland‘s ~40 hilichurls in under 30 seconds relying on this strategy!

Not Worth The Time Past Early Game

Given their utter helplessness in battle and negligible loot drops, hilichurls frankly aren‘t worth spending Resin on past the early game. Mora and XP gains from hilichurl bounties diminish rapidly, failing to keep up with exponential leveling curves. By AR 30+, costs to upgrade characters shoot into the millions while hilichurls might cough up a few hundred coins per fight.

Their ascension material drops also become near meaningless compared to weekly boss fragments needed for talent levels 6+. The measly arrowheads and masks from hilichurls don‘t justify Resin once characters rely on tokens from Dvalin and Andrius.

In conclusion, hilichurls undoubtedly take the crown for weakest enemies in Genshin Impact. While messing around with kill speedruns can provide some amusement, they‘re otherwise hardly worth putting on combat alerts.

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