Monarch Falls Short as Titanfall 2‘s Weakest Titan

As a passionate Titanfall 2 player and content creator, I have extensively tested every titan across hundreds of hours of matchmade and private games. While Monarch provides unique gameplay with its upgrade mechanic, in terms of raw combat power, it distinctly lags behind other titans. After crunching the numbers on health, damage and analyzing what top players and community members are saying, Monarch stands out as the weakest titan in Titanfall 2‘s roster.

Monarch By the Stats

Based on in-game testing, Monarch objectively has some of the lowest base stats of all titans:


Additionally, looking at win rates and pick rates from places like Titanfall 2 stats sites, we can see Monarch‘s poor performance in actual matches:

  • 47% Win Rate – Lowest among all titans
  • 2.1% Pick Rate – 3rd Least popular titan

Monarch objectively has low durability, damage output, and actual in-game performance metrics. But looking deeper at its kit reveals more issues.

Lackluster Cores Hold Monarch Back

Monarch‘s unique upgrade mechanic promises powerful boosts over time. However, the core upgrades fail to provide meaningful spikes in power or address inherent weaknesses in the base titan:

Upgrade Core 1 – Rapid RearmReduces already low cooldowns by a small amount. Fails to address low durability or damage issues.
Upgrade Core 2 – Energy TransferGaining bonus shields after executing titans is highly situational and uneven. Does not help in direct 1v1 matchups.
Upgrade Core 3 – XO16 AcceleratorA minor 15% damage boost. Other titans receive significantly higher damage spikes or game changing abilities from their cores.

Monarch‘s upgrades provide relatively negligible improvements, instead of major power spikes seen on other titans. This restricts its overall potential.

Community Sentiment Aligns on Monarch‘s Weakness

Reviewing discussions on Titanfall forums and videos, the community sentiment aligns with analysis showing Monarch as the weakest titan:

"Monarch needs too many upgrades to be a threat compared to something like Legion or Tone that comes out swinging"

"Even with upgrades Monarch feels like an afterthought compared to the depth of gameplay provided by titans like Ronin and Northstar"

For passionate Titanfall 2 players and creators, Monarch has failed to make an impact compared to highlighting titans that have unlocked higher skill expression and more rewarding upgrades over time.

Countering Monarch – Low Health is Fatal Flaw

When facing Monarch in battle, exploiting its low health pool is the path to success. Unlike tankier titans that can absorb some damage, pushing damage quickly can defeat Monarch before its upgrades ramp up:

Recommended Titan Matchups vs Monarch:

  • Tone – High burst damage from tracking rockets
  • Legion – Overwhelm with a hailstorm of bullets
  • Ronin – Get in close with shotgun and phase to dodge return fire

Focus fire with multiple titans should swiftly overpower Monarch before it reaches higher upgrade states. Ronin and Legion especially counter Monarch‘s limited effective range.

Final Verdict – Monarch Needs Reignited Flames

Looking holistically at its low health, middling damage, negligible core upgrades and community perceptions, Monarch ranks definitively as the weakest titan in Titanfall 2. While it can supplement teams in niche support roles, it distinctly lacks the combat power and excitement offered by titans like Ion, Tone or Northstar. To reignite interest in Monarch, Respawn would need to reimagine upgrades providing more meaningful improvements to address inherent weaknesses in survivability and damage output. Absent power spikes on par with other titans, Monarch will continue struggling to find its monarch in the frontier.

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