What is the XP cap in STW?

As a dedicated Fortnite gamer, one of my top priorities each season is hitting the max Battle Pass tier. The XP cap in Save the World (STW) is an invaluable tool to accelerate Battle Pass progression. In this guide, I‘ll share everything you need to know about the STW XP cap, along with tips to optimize your XP gains.

What is the Daily XP Cap in STW?

The amount of XP you can earn in STW each day before rewards are reduced is between 280,000 and 450,000 XP. This generous ceiling allows dedicated players to supercharge their Battle Pass tier progression. With the techniques outlined below, you can reach this cap in just a few hours of focused farming.

When Does the Daily XP Cap Reset Occur?

The STW XP cap resets every day at 9 PM EST, aligning with the reset time for daily challenges, XP-granting Creative maps, and the Fortnite item shop. So you have 24 hours from the reset to work towards maxing out the cap.

Key Benefits of Hitting the STW XP Cap

  • Earn up to 6 Battle Pass levels per day from STW XP alone
  • Unlock desired skins, emotes and rewards faster
  • Stay on pace for max tier without the Battle Pass bundle
  • Flex your dedication by hitting level 100+ early

With up to 450K XP possible daily, hitting this cap offers major progress towards your seasonal goals.

Optimal Methods to Earn Max STW XP

I‘ve analyzed the most time-efficient modes, maps, challenges, and other STW farming techniques to create this definitive list:

MethodAverage XPXP Per Hour
Storm Shield Endurance156,000156,000
Daily Quests63,000Varies
Challenge the Horde100,000100,000

As shown above, Storm Shield Endurance, Daily Quests, and Challenge the Horde offer the most efficient returns. I‘ll break down strategies for each below.

Storm Shield Endurance

Playing a full endurance nets over 150K XP in about an hour of playtime. Essential tips:

  • Max out shields, traps, tunnels first
  • Play on Private to avoid griefing
  • Use XP boost heroes (more on this below)

Repeating endurance daily allows you to passively earn over 1 million XP per week!

Daily Quests

Knocking out daily quests should be part of any XP farmer‘s routine:

  • 5 quests per day
  • ~12,000 XP per quest
  • Extra ~30,000 XP on 5th quest

With efficient quest completion, you can tally 60-100K XP from dailies alone.

Challenge the Horde

The limited-time Challenge the Horde mode offers juicy one-time rewards:

  • Up to 100K XP for completion
  • Yields event tickets too

Use Challenge the Horde to mix up your daily farming routine.

Specialized Hero Builds to Boost XP

To maximize XP, I recommend slotting these unique commander and support heroes:

Commander: Dark Vanguard Airheart

  • Increases ability damage
  • Boosts XP rewards

Support Team:

  • Special Forces Ramirez (Increases assault damage)
  • Special Forces Banshee (Adds assault critical rating)
  • frag Flurry Jess (Extends TEDDY duration)
  • Ventura Ramirez (Adds bonus Supercharged Traps)

This setup supercharges combat skills while keeping Constructor BASE relevant via the trap perk. By min-maxing damage output, you‘ll plow through more enemies faster for rapid XP gains.

Play in Groups for Shared XP

Running endurance and missions with 1-3 other players combines XP yield for greater results. Rather than competing separately for XP, groups allow players to leverage shared progress. This tips the XP-per-hour scales further in your favor while making the grind more social.

What About STW XP Glitches and Exploits?

Recently, some Players discovered XP glitches involving unreleased LTMS that yielded millions of improper XP. Those caught exploiting these systems faced bans from Epic.

While tempting, I strongly advise avoiding these shortcuts. Play Fortnite fairly and focus on legitimate farming strategies for risk-free XP gains.

In Summary

Hitting the 450K STW XP cap daily provides a major boost towards maxing your Battle Pass and unlocking desired cosmetics. With the optimized techniques listed here, you can minimize the grind and supercharge seasonal progression. Let me know your favorite STW XP methods so we can max out tiers even faster!

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